- (the) Lisa Inez - D5
- 011ybits Pixel Art - R6
- 9 Lunas Accessories - B9
- A Jar of Pickles - P1
- A Miyako M - E3
- A Worm Friend - L4
- Acardellart - I6
- Adrianna Gluck - J4
- Aechungg Art - Q3
- Aegean Roots Co - A14
- AJNA California - N4
- Alice Reva Designs - J4
- Alina Diane - R4
- Alix Clo - Q12
- All The Way Handmade - C9
- Alma Superfoods - S20
- Altar Ceramics - B16
- Amapola - H2
- Ana 'N Shy - R2
- Apple Core Made - N14
- Aqua Cherry - O15
- Aquamarinejewelrystudio - L24
- Arely Cardenas Art - E8
- Art & Function - L11
- Art by Julia - O4
- Art by Paulina Hoong - G6
- Art by Robin Klinger - F17
- Art of Robert Liu-Trujillo - G20
- ArtifexWax - R13
- Artisans by Garima - D8
- Arts from Glass - M3
- Ashby Confections - T4
- Atiso Garden - Q11
- Bad Witch Crystals - C2
- banh.bells - T8
- bao by andrea - H20
- Barkin by Brit - B19
- Bart Bridge - I13, I14
- Be Heart Now - S15
- Bead To The Beat - F2
- Bean Horse Car Designs - C15
- Bee's Little Shop - E16
- Beeyond Boutique - S3
- Blue Pine - A13
- Blue Seal Pottery - R10
- bobo design studio - K7
- Bobo Jewelry - I16, I17
- Bohemian Moon Art - B11
- Bonblissity - A7
- Bonzi Studio - N11
- Box Paper Scissors - M15
- breakfestive - I4
- Brigachero - L23
- BVanSoi - N19
- By Shawna Chan - H1
- California Hats Co. - S1
- Caoculator - D2
- Carmel Berry Company - S20
- Carrots & Hummus - Q9
- CasaQ - I3
- Catch The Light Jewelry - M4
- Ceramics by Jane - C3
- CG19 - S14
- Chains by Lauren - F8
- Charlotte Truffles - C11
- Cheery Human Studios - G15
- cherrypugpie - G21
- Chibi-Oneechan - B7
- ChibiJay Designs - F15
- Chibird - O7
- Chilla Art Design - C18
- Christian K Bonner - L10
- Christine's Cookie Co - F19
- Cloud Cat Arts - M12
- Clouds Design Studio - T7
- CloverLeafPie - A9
- Color Cruiser - D11
- ColorfulSheep - T2
- CositasContreras - D6
- Crafted - L16
- Crafts by Saap - O10
- Cuddly Potatoes - O8
- Cyndercake - L20
- D EL Beauty LLC - N21
- Da Kine Hawaiian Stuff - I1
- Dark Lantern Perfumery - B17
- DazedWaves - O14
- De La Luna Designs - R12
- Demby | Co - F1
- Derptiles - Q2
- Designs by Masako - L13
- Dirty Mermaid Beauty - P17
- Doey's Originals - B18
- Dream Vale Studios - S13
- DreamCreamCo - O16
- Dreamin Chocolat - J7
- Dyedandgonetocali - T11
- Earthside Candles Co - C17
- Eddie Ramirez Art - H22
- eden & zoe - G19
- Emeri LLC - F6
- Eminence Candle Collective - G8
- Enigma Blanks - O19
- Escama Studio - H13
- Exhilo Apparel - B8
- Felicia Liang - M7
- Fever Dream Crochet - T20
- Finding Vettey - T6
- FLORA MAKES ME SMILE by The Pencil Circle - Q18
- Fluffed Animals - I7
- Foustman's Salami - J17
- Fractal Flora - K15
- Franci Cakes - H10
- Future Bloom Apparel - N8
- FuturisNow - C10
- Fuyuverse - M10
- Gabbie Gallery - D13
- gigil party - R5
- Gila Glass - E12
- Ginger Lab - K3
- Girl Boss Anna - L3
- Girthybobastraw - N5
- Glass Scout Studio - J3
- Golden Hour Designs - B15
- Golden Luxe Jewels - J1
- Good Honey Handmade - R8
- Gooseberry Designs - G11, G12
- Goozee Pins - R16, R17
- goyangii - D16
- Grace Lee - S9
- gyozados - O6
- Hachi Bit - A11
- Hamimo Small Things - T18
- Happiears - S8
- Hash Ceramics - K16
- Healing Hands Reiki, LLC - L5
- Hella Bay Clothing - F3
- Hella Kinketsu - N5
- Hello Lily - F12
- Henry Noodle - N10
- HolidayPop - D20
- Hook & Yarn Creations - M5
- Huang Pottery - C19
- iikoshop - I2
- IkaOuji - T16
- Island Memories SF - A4
- Island Shrimp Bottles - Q4
- Italian Doll - R3
- its.clay.day - S9
- ItsKleine - E15
- Itsy Gifts - E4, E5
- Jacqueline Westermeyer Studio - G18
- Jale - F4
- Jaliren - C19
- JaneLi.Co - N13
- Jasmin Mostafa - H17
- JayEm Boutique - T13
- Jean Choe Art & Design - L21
- Jerky Jerks Jerky Hut - C20
- Ji Clothing & Living - D12
- Jill Rachel Designs - A5
- Joce - N6
- Jodi408 - A16
- JOJA Candles - F16
- Jollymoonscrystals - P2
- Joy and Jams - O9
- Joy Blossoms Clay - P8
- Juicey Gems - T12
- Juliet's Succulent Garden - J13
- Jumbo Jibbles / Harumo Sato - L8, L9
- Jumping-Jax - L17
- Kane and Ruby - O21
- Kavaia Tea - B3
- Kawaii Glass Co - M2
- Kelsiekishidraws - Q7
- Kidtzia’s Soapy Skin - M24
- Kin Leaf Tea - M11
- Kindred Cooks - H7
- King and Queen Things - Q15
- kinokurei - I21
- Kirei Essentials - M11
- Klaybykristina - S5
- Knightkun - M10
- Krafttee - F14
- Kumalma - H9
- Kyla Camille - M9
- La Luna Designs - B17
- LA MENO - B20
- LaanMao - R14
- Lacelit - B10
- Laiberry Art - N11
- Language of Knots - D9
- Laruce Beauty - S11
- Le Blanc Candles - F9
- Le Petit Elefant - K13, K14
- Leah Mark Designs - J10
- Leena's Little Light LLC - L6, L7
- Lianna Soap - P3
- Light and Flicker - K11
- Lilaque - R9
- Linai - Q5
- Linda's Obsession - P16
- Lipton Cunningham - D1
- Little Blue Cabin - I9
- Little Shop of Florals + J.Duh - G16, H6
- Local Color -
- Love Through Letterpress - D15
- Low Beauty - B13
- Lunar Remedy - D17
- Lvely Studio - R18
- Mac's Topicals - R15
- Macrame Kreations - H16
- Maddie Bee Studios - S8
- Made by April-Lynn - K12
- Made by Cas5 - E9
- Made by Chanamon - E1
- MADGAL design co - Q8
- Magical Girl Bella - O13
- Magically Luna Shop - P9
- Magnote - G22
- Makenna Kwik - H15
- Malaya Botanicals - R7
- Malisa Suchanya Illustrations - H4
- Mama Shaman Kuna Prints - P19, P20
- Maria Javier Coaching - R9
- Mary Hammond Designs - P18
- Matcha Paper Co - B14
- Matilda Bliss Studio - D4
- McKinnon Collective - C16
- ME Crafts - E6
- Meelee Art - L16
- mew doodles - D3
- MicheleDraws - E10
- MiGi Cera Candle Co - C13
- Mike & Niki's Honey - N20
- Millie Jay - G2
- MiniDes - D10
- Mirples Dirples - I3
- Miss Maegan’s Bowtique - O1
- MOB Leather - S12
- Moe Meido - S14
- Morning Crane Healing Arts Center - R20
- Morning Tea - T17
- MorninGlam - H23
- Motif's Art Studio - G3
- mtp_arts - P13
- Munch N Grub - I5
- Mute by JL - F6
- Nan's Gourmet Foods - Pastamore - T1
- Naoshi - H24
- Naturals by Nisha - G7
- Neko-Oi - A12, B6
- Nellie & Kevin - K6
- Nerdy But Still Girly - T10
- New Growth Heritage LLC - A10
- Niliah Arts - T3
- normal Behaviour - F18
- NÃœR - P15
- Occasionalish - N17
- Old River Design Co. - S4
- Old World Linen - P4, P5
- On Point Pins - B4
- Oyster Art Gallery - J9
- P.M.B.Q. Studios - P11, P12
- Pabkins - Fine Art & Illustrations - E19
- Pacifico Pottery - P8
- Painting With James - F2
- Panty Cat - L14
- Paper Picture Mama - F11
- Paper Sweetly - O12
- Parasol Paper - R1
- Passage One - K10
- Pear Life - L18, L19
- Pen 2 Paige - Q19
- PepperCut Studio - A8
- Peripheral US - T19
- Pinwheel Chocolate - M22
- Plant Slut - C1
- Plant'd LLC - M3
- Poppy & Quail - A6
- Poppy Paint Studio - N15
- Potato Illustrates - N7
- Props & Pop - M20
- Q Branch Woodworks - F10
- quirky burp illustrations - J15
- Racarons - E11
- RainandJas - M6
- Raphael Originals Jellyfish - H3
- RC3D - P6
- Real Mojo Foods - E2
- Red Pantz - G13
- Reed Artistry, LLC - I10
- Reflections - A1, A2, A3
- Renata Bartula Designs - H8
- Render Goods - S2
- Rinicake Art - T9
- River Girl Farm Company - L4
- Rockie Illustrations - Q18
- Rogue Candle Company - M18, M19
- Rosie Sterling Silver - R19
- Roxanne’s Biscotti - J18
- Ruthie K.Yamada Art - H22
- S for Sparkle - Q12
- Sabukana Designs LLC - J8
- Sacred Beauty - O11
- Saeyri - E14
- sakuradragon - J11, J12
- SaltyMamaCraftCo - R2
- Salvage Flows - M23
- Sandwich Bag Games - Q13
- Sausalito Blue - L12
- Seto Arts - Handmade Ceramics Goods - F5
- Shelbe Shop - C5
- Sherry Lou Studio - L15
- Shibui Wood and Designs - I11
- Shop Mai and Mariahs - S3
- Sick Soaps - H5
- Simply Handpicked Co - M17
- Sincerely Daijoubu - N12
- Skinbliss - J16
- Sleepy Rhino - O3
- slumptown supply co. - B1
- Small Batch Jam Co. - D19
- Smunchies Co. LLC - M16
- Snippet Studios - G17
- Soap N Hope (McJay Wellness) - S16
- Something Jackalope - Q9
- Something Soothing Co. - B8
- Soulzential - S6, S7
- Stars and Sprinkles - B2
- Steamy Tech - M14
- Stella Lumen Crystals - M8
- Stephanie Hayes Pottery - M5
- Studio Anai - Q14
- Sud Scents - M1
- Sudibear - E7
- SumLilThings - A15
- Sumsaara - O17
- Super Kawaii Apparel - C14
- Sweetdragon Baking Company - Q1
- Sweeter than Honey Bakery - J5
- TalkingThyme - M21
- Tangleweeds - T15
- Teappo - H11
- Tenuiya - L22
- Terra and Self - L2
- Thank You Ceramics - O20
- The Animal Box - G1
- The Brown Sugar Shoppe - I24
- The Chaga Company LLC - N16
- The Concrete Flamingo - Q19
- The Designing Chica - I12
- The Didi Jewelry Project - G14
- The Garden Home - N9
- The Golden Era Of Cinema - N1, N2
- The Kibler Elf - N22
- The Knotty Corgi - I8
- The Land of More Designs - I21
- The Little Forest Ceramic Shop - T14
- The Little Friends of Printmaking - K5
- The Little Pup-up Shop - O18
- The Little Red House - K8, K9
- The Lola x Kenneth Collaboration - D14
- The Ponnery - B14
- The Source Zero - I15
- The Weekend Store - N23
- The Wildest Company - C7
- The Wonderstruck Printmaker - G14
- Thousand Skies - K1, K2
- Tickle Me Lavender - I20
- Tiny Egger Cheeser - C12
- Tiny House Chocolate - O5
- Tiny Right Brain Designs - E18
- TinyMakesThings - T21
- TOA - G9
- Tony Bui Fan Club - K4
- Toss & Throws - T5
- Traveling Calligrapher - G10
- Treasure California - G4
- trivial PURSUITS - I20
- Turq and Terra - F13
- TUYYO Foods - I22
- Unicorn Crafts - L1
- Unsettle - E17
- UpbeatPals - G5
- Urembo Asili - P10
- Usagiduck - C8
- Utku Kids - O2
- Veganly Soaps & Candles - Q8
- Vinyl Resting Place California - T8
- Visionary Arts - I18, I19
- Viva Frida - P14
- W House SF - N18
- Waxy Waves LLC - Q6
- We Rock Communities - Q16
- Wearable Phantasy - S17
- West Coast Vibez - S18
- What the Pickles - J14
- Wild Rina - H19
- Wooden Contraptions - H21
- Woof Baked Goods - R11
- Woofboard LLC - B12
- Yana Co Crafts - D18
- Yarn Circus - J6
- Yay! It's Vica - D7
- Yinaya - Q20
- Yoruco - J2
- Yosemite Flower Farm - Q10
- Yours Truly, Mary Anne - C6
- Yum Me Studio - P7
- Yuzu Soap - H12
- ZEBA - H14
- zizi & me - O20
Monday, November 21, 2022
SJMADE Holiday Fair
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Aloha Downtown Skate roller rink opens Nov. 19 in Downtown San Jose
The holiday rink that has been a staple of Christmas in the Park for years is returning--with a big twist. Instead of ice skating, it's a roller rink. It will still be wrapped around the Circle of Palms but there will be retro elements to give it a "roller disco" theme. There will also be new areas to sit and rest between the two concentric skating circles.
It all starts November 22nd. For all of the details, check out the press release below.
Downtowners are changing skates this holiday season in San Jose
Aloha Downtown Skate opens Nov. 19 and daily through the holidays
SAN JOSE – Aloha Downtown Skate roller rink will replace Downtown Ice this holiday season beginning Nov. 19 at the same Circle of Palms plaza on Market Street next to the San Jose Museum of Art and Signia by Hilton.
The downtown anchor holiday attraction is produced by Aloha Fun Center in partnership with San Jose Downtown Association and with funding from the City of San Jose. Google is presenting sponsor.
Downtown Skate manager Tricia Lee McNabb, who has worked at the downtown rink each of its 26 years, thinks the switch from ice skating to roller skating is a good move. “Like a lot of people, my sister and I were looking for something fun to do together during the COVID lock-down and we both had loved roller skating as kids,” she said. “Every year I would get a new pair of skates for my birthday and now I’m continuing the tradition.”
Apparently, McNabb and her sister are not alone. A roller-skating page on social media platform TikTok has received more than 8 billion views after shelter-in-place mandates started in spring 2020, and now roller skating has had a resurgence in popularity.
“I used to skate recreationally in the Circle of Palms area and always thought it would be a great spot for a roller rink,” said Downtown Skate producer Elizabeth Ruiz, who also operates the Aloha Fun Center at Eastridge and was a former member of the Silicon Valley Roller Girls roller derby team. Ruiz says she is honored to have an opportunity to activate this high-profile urban space and bring her style of roller-skating fun to downtown San Jose.
The design of inner and outer rings around 32 palm trees lit with programmable LED lights will be familiar to anyone who skated previously at the ice rink. There will be two areas for skaters to rest on benches between the palms and retro design elements to play off a “roller disco” theme. The popular Snowman Hot Chocolate cabin is again next door to the rink.
McNabb pointed out that the most noticeable change will be the fact that the rink will be at plaza level rather than on a raised platform.
“Not only will skaters be able to rest on benches right between the palm trees, but the trees themselves will appear taller and more majestic,” she said.
Construction started Oct. 31 and will take less than three weeks, a reduction by four weeks compared to the ice rink build. Basic construction includes a Sport Court laid over a plywood base plus “Jersey barriers” – also known as “K-rail” – providing the walls of the rink.
McNabb said she looks forward to working with the rink’s neighbors at the San Jose Museum of Art, 50 West office building and especially the Signia by Hilton hotel this season.
“Last year, the rink was open but the hotel was still closed, and it definitely felt like there was something missing,” McNabb said.
The cost to skate on the downtown rink will be $20 for 90 minutes, including skate rental. Tickets can be purchased online in advance or at the rink.
The roller rink will be open daily from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. weekends and from Dec. 17-Jan. 7. Weekdays before Dec. 17, the rink will be open from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m., closing at 9 p.m. on Sundays and 11 p.m. on Friday nights and the night before Thanksgiving. The Opening Ceremony will be at 6 p.m. Nov. 22.
Ruiz stepped in to ensure the Circle of Palms will be busy during the holidays after last year’s ice rink operator opted not to return this year. The location just across the street from Christmas in the Park is ideal for a fun family-oriented activity, she said.
“Christmas is my favorite holiday and I love skating, so this is a great combination of two things I am very passionate about,” Ruiz said.
The rink will stay open through Jan. 8. Rink information, hours and tickets are available at alohadowntownskate.com or through sjdowntown.com.
Monday, November 14, 2022
San Jose Holiday Drive Through Light Show 2022
During peak COVID the folks behind Christmas in the Park came up with a novel drive through concept so that families could enjoy the holiday decorations while staying safe. This year we have Christmas in the Park AND the Holiday Drive Through. Best of all, ticket purchases help fund the traditional Christmas in the Park event Downtown, still the largest Christmas event in California.
Tickets cost $30 per car (not per person) and the event now takes place at Lake Cunningham Park from November 26th to January 1st. The main entrance is on Tully.
For tickets to the Holiday Drive, click here!