Tomorrow San Jose is officially launching a new green, buffered bikeway on San Fernando that will stretch from San Jose State all the way to Diridon! Tomorrow at 8am the public is invited to the official launch of the bikeway at Diridon (and people are encouraged to wear green). After a brief ceremony, there will be a 1.2 mile community bike ride ride to City Hall.
The San Fernando bikeway will connect the buffered bike lanes on 3rd, 4th, 10th, and 11th streets as well as the Guadalupe River trail. I can see the Bay Area Bike Sharing programming getting a lot more use now.
The first green bike lane project was along Hedding Street. Expect many more of these projects in the future as San Jose pushes towards the goal of having 500 miles of bicycle lanes in its network.
For more information on the bikeway and tomorrow's ceremony, have a look at the release below.
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San José to launch its second green, buffered bikeway this week
Ribbon cutting for San Fernando Corridor's enhanced bikeway followed by “Show Us Your Green” community bike ride
SAN JOSE, Calif. – The City of San José has transformed a car-oriented San Fernando Street with only basic sidewalks and bike lanes into a vibrant, people-oriented street with buffered green bike lanes, improved pedestrian walkways, crossings, streetlights and street trees. This San Fernando Streetscape Improvement project will serve as the primary pedestrian, bicycle and transit connector between the city’s regional transit center, San José Diridon Station, and major downtown destinations including office and residential towers, retail, and San José State University.
This Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2013 at 8:00 a.m., the public is invited to dress in green and join representatives from the City of San José and the Silicon Valley Leadership Group for the official launch of the city's second green bikeway. The event will take place at San José Diridon Station near the intersection of San Fernando and Cahill Streets. Immediately after the brief ribbon cutting, a 1.2 mile “Show Us Your Green” community bike ride will get underway on the San Fernando green bikeway. The ride will end at San José City Hall, 200 East Santa Clara St., at approximately 8.45 a.m.
“I am pleased that we have been able to stretch our limited transportation funds to provide the community safer and more livable streets,” said Hans Larsen, San José’s Director of Transportation. “San Fernando’s basic bike lanes have seen a 112% increase over the last seven years, with 1189 bicyclists a day counted last year at the San Fernando & Fourth Street intersection. This project provides an enhanced biking experience while also improving the pedestrian environment.”
San José’s first two green bike lane projects – Hedding Street and now San Fernando Street – both serve as primary bikeways, providing east-west access across the city and connections to the Guadalupe River Trail. On-street primary bikeways, like this one, provide cross-town connections to off-street trails using enhancements such as green color, painted buffers between cars and bikes, and physical barriers separating cars and bikes.
“The enhanced bike lanes along San Fernando connect regional commuting options with employment centers, including downtown San José, North San José via the Guadalupe River Trail, and those up the Peninsula via transit at Diridon Station,” said Jessica Zenk, Senior Director for Transportation with the Silicon Valley Leadership Group.
San Fernando Street’s new enhanced, green bikeway is a key link in the 500-mile citywide bicycle network that San José is building. Within this larger network is a 140-mile system of primary bikeways that function as the bicycle equivalent of the City’s arterial roadway system.
"We're thrilled to see San Fernando Street get the highly visible, comfortable bike infrastructure it needs,” said Corinne Winter, Executive Director of the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition. “This San Fernando bikeway provides direct connections to the fabulous buffered bike lanes on 3rd, 4th, 10th and 11th Streets as well as the Guadalupe River Trail."
This bike project is part of a larger San Fernando Streetscape Enhancement project funded by a $1.4 million Transportation for Livable Communities grant. The project includes pavement resurfacing and enhancements to street lights, street trees, crosswalks, sidewalks and curb ramps.
About the City of San José and Active Transportation
About Silicon Valley Leadership Group
The Silicon Valley Leadership Group, founded in 1978 by David Packard of Hewlett-Packard, represents more than 390 of Silicon Valley's most respected employers on issues, programs and campaigns that affect the economic health and quality of life in Silicon Valley, including energy, transportation, education, housing, health care, tax policies, economic vitality and the environment. Leadership Group members collectively provide nearly one of every three private sector jobs in Silicon Valley with more than $3 trillion in annual revenue. Visit or call (408) 501-7864.
About the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition
Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition (SVBC) exists to promote increased cycling in Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties. To accomplish this goal, SVBC advocates for improved and expanded bicycle infrastructure and other facilities, including bikeways, bike parking, capacity on transit, and more. Additionally, SVBC promotes bicycle culture through events and activities such as Bike to Work Day, Bicycle Friendly Workplace, and Valet Bike Parking at a variety of area events. For more information on Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition, visit