Wednesday, October 23, 2013

San Jose Documentary!

Norman Kline, a local tech executive and entrepreneur, is launching a feature-length documentary about San Jose. He grew up in Downtown San Jose and was always proud of his city. Today he's partnering with CreaTV San Jose and History San Jose to produce what is the first full-length documentary about San Jose (90min).

The focus of the film will be on San Jose's role in Silicon Valley's evolution, but everything from the orchards to the mercury mines will be a part of the documentary.

The release is targeted for Spring 2014. Norman is hoping to premier it at a local theater and then distribute it via PBS and online for free. For more information on the firm, just head over to the Norman Kline Productions website over here.

Source: SVBJ, Norman Kline Productions

September 9, 2013, San Jose, CA - Agreement has been reached between Norman Kline Productions, Inc., CreaTV San Jose and History San Jose to work in partnership to produce a major documentary on the history of San Jose. Acclaimed producer/director Michael Pierce has been tapped to direct the film based on an original script by Norman Kline.
“There has never been a documentary of San Jose of this scope and we believe it’s about time,” says Mr. Kline, project creator. “San Jose has rich history, amazing canvas of land and weather and the most innovative and creative people on the planet. We need to recognize the positive power and influence of our city and how we got here - with all the ups and downs along the way.”
“CreaTV San Jose is honored to provide the production facilities, staffing and fiscal sponsorship for this project. We look forward to producing an exceptional documentary worthy of our great city,” says Suzanne St. John-Crane, executive director of CreaTV San Jose. The ninety minute documentary will feature authentic archival footage and photography to illustrate San Jose’s past. Alida Bray, president and CEO of History San José, says “It always amazes me how many incredible stories come out of San Jose. You name it, and we have been there or done it. From the first State Capital, to first regular radio broadcast, to development of RAMAC the first magnetic disk drive -- San Jose has historically led the way in creativity and innovation. We can't wait to share these incredible stories with a larger audience!”
The project is possible with the partnership of the two nonprofits and financial backing of the wider community. Funding is being sought from businesses, civic groups and individuals. All contributions will be made directly to CreaTV San Jose and are one hundred percent tax deductible. Any remaining contributions from the production and distribution of the film will be donated to the two major sponsoring nonprofits. “After the premier, the film will be accessible to the public for free,” says Mr. Kline. “We want this to be educational for all San Joseans - something real to unite us.”
About CreaTV San Jose
Founded in 2007, CreaTV San Jose is a member-based, non-profit community media center that helps the residents, businesses, schools and organizations in San Jose to effectively communicate their message to a broader audience using our public and education television and Internet channels. CreaTV fulfills its mission to inspire, educate and connect San Jose communities, using media to foster civic engagement, by providing the free airtime and the low-cost training and tools that allow diverse and often under-served communities to tell their stories and express their views through video.
About History San José
History San José is a non-profit organization that collects, preserves and celebrates the stories of the diversity and innovation in San Jose and Santa Clara Valley. HSJ manages one of the largest and most comprehensive regional history collections in the State of California, from 1784 Spanish government records to twenty-first century Silicon Valley technology.  
About Norman Kline Productions
Norman Kline Productions, Inc. is a startup film production studio specializing in historical documentaries of Silicon Valley. Norman Kline is a businessman, innovator, and community leader from San Jose who served in several public positions including the Santa Clara Planning Commission, Mayor of the City of Saratoga and the San Jose Planning Commission. Prior to founding his own internet company, LibraryWorld, Inc., Mr. Kline held technology and management roles with Lockheed Missiles and Space and Apple Computer.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

San Jose Halloween Attraction Guide 2013

Wondering which events to go to this Halloween season? The San Jose Blog has got you covered:

Dead Time Dreams - San Jose
Back for their second year next to a pumpkin patch near Eastridge Mall. This time they have 3 full-blown haunts, up from 2 last year. These were very well done despite having fewer actors than some of the other places below. There is also a neat midway that connects all of the attractions and features a Halloween store.
They are known for a very long maze with seemingly never-ending black corridors that break up the scares. Admission is $20.

Still the largest Halloween event in Northern California. Now in its sixth year, the word has gotten out on Halloween Haunt and the park is packed even on day 1. Sundays are probably your best bet if you want to hit all of the haunts. There are now 8 haunted mazes, a single haunted ride, 3 scare zones, and various shows (2 of the mazes are new this year, as well as the ride). Most rides worth going on are still open--including the new Goldrush--and the roller coasters are being run with all the lights turned off. 

Pirates of Emerson - Pleasanton
The preeminent Bay Area Halloween event for almost 2 decades is returning this year with an another great event. There are 5 haunted mazes this year, a Halloween Carnival, and several micro-attractions. This is MUCH MORE intense than Great America, so don't bring your young children. You'll get scares from every angle, including above and below you. The haunts are extraordinarily well done, and they only let in small groups. 

Shadow Hills - Los Gatos
This was the biggest surprise of last year and one of the best haunts I have ever done. The groups are limited to only 2 people, there is quite a bit of acting and storytelling, you have interactive elements like hidden doors, and finally there is one scare prop (think chain saws and air guns) that will blow you away.

Swank Farms - Hollister
I didn't do this one this year, but I heard it was great. Instead of doing 2 haunts they have one very large maze. The haunt should take 15+ min and incorporates part of their cornfield maze.  

Scotts Valley Haunted House - Scotts Valley
A high school production may seem out of place on this list, but I assure you that this one is 100% worthwhile. As opposed to your typical maze where you have people randomly popping out at you, each year there is a unique story with hundreds of actors, making you truly feel like you're immersed in the script. You can also forget the saying "don't touch the actors and they won't touch you." Past events have included surprises like receiving fake shots, being completely separated from your party, and even wet hands touching the back of your neck while you are in pitch darkness. Insanely scary and much more interactive than any of the other events. Plus the money connected is donated to charity. One caveat, due to how awesome this haunt is there may be a 2-3 hour wait. At least you'll have the high school dance team dressed up as zombies entertaining you (and performing Thriller in its entirety every 15min). The cost is $8 per person. Oct 24-26 only, starting at 7pm. 555 Glenwood Dr., Scotts Valley.

This was the single most impressive haunt attraction in the Bay Area last year, but unfortunately it has been put on hold this year and replaced with a hay maze. I'm really hoping that this one comes back in 2014.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Latest Hampton Inn Renders

The latest renders of the Hampton Inn project in Downtown San Jose look infinity times better than what was originally planned. For all those that complained when you saw the first draft, give yourselves a pat on the back. It's nice to know that San Josean's can now demand a bit more in the design department when it comes to future Downtown projects (the One South high-rise design was another example of this). I especially like the new down lighting that Hampton Inn added to the top floor. What do you guys think?

Thanks to Joseph Meduri for sending these in.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Darker Side of Rezoning

As you all know there is huge redevelopment project being planned for the land across the street from Santana Row and Valley Fair where the Winchester domes currently sit. Given how hot the area has become, this seems like an ideal spot to turn into a dense mixed-use village, but there is an unfortunate downside to redevelopment here. A mobile home park for senior citizens would likely be destroyed in the process. Please see the letter below that was originally intended for The Mercury News, but they refused to publish.

Also note that the letter below does not reflect my personal opinions about this project, but I think it is important for these citizens to be heard and hopefully there can be some sort of compromise between the developers and these senior citizens living in Winchester Ranch.

Mobile Home Park in Jeopardy

A few days ago Councilman Pete Constant visited the Winchester Ranch Mobile Home Park. We packed our clubhouse because we were all eager to hear what he had to say. Winchester Ranch is a senior mobile home park located in back of the Winchester Mystery House, hugging the Hwy 280 sound wall. It’s a small park, just over 100 homes and about 140 senior residents. The park was created in 1976 by Mark Cali. He meant it to be a safe haven for seniors. Unfortunately Mark is no longer with us. His children own the land now, and collect the monthly rent from us. They have decided to sell it out from under us to a developer (Pulte Homes).  Mark Cali is most likely spinning in his grave because he wanted the park to be here long after he died.

In case you haven’t heard, San Jose planners are working on a huge redevelopment that they are calling an Urban Village, to be located across the street from Santana Row. The Century theaters and Flames will be plowed under as well as any other businesses and adjacent land that the developers can get their hands on.

When the city planners first considered which property would be part of the redevelopment, our mobile home park was left out. Their first instinct was to leave us alone. When our owners, the Cali family, heard that they contacted the planners and asked that the park be placed on the redevelopment grid.

There is one stumbling block to the sale of our property to the developer. Our land is zoned for use as a senior mobile home park. Winchester Ranch’s only hope for survival is if the city of San Jose does not change the zoning. Pete Constant’s spiel was informative but not encouraging to us. He explained that the city has many things to think about. One of the things that the city should think about is fact that there is very little “affordable” housing for seniors. We will be in very difficult straits if we lose our homes.

Seniors prefer to live independently, but close to our friends and family. If you drive through Winchester Ranch you will find a very well-maintained park. We all own our homes and we all work hard to keep our little park looking its very best. We are a well-established community, we are good neighbors, and we help each other. We want to remain here in our homes. At this point it’s up to the city of San Jose to do nothing! If they don’t change the zoning we have a very good chance of keeping our homes for a long time.

"Fifth Beatle" Brian Epstein was unsung hero Musical retelling of Beatles story through the eyes of manager, "In My Life", comes to San Jose Stage on November 3

SAN JOSE, CA Brian Epstein, the man who discovered and managed the Beatles, the most influential rock group in history and one of the dominant pop culture entities of the 20th century, can be considered one of the key global figures of the post-World War II era. “In My Life – A Musical Theatre Tribute to the Beatles” is a musical retelling of the iconic band’s story through the eyes of Epstein and features the live music of renowned tribute, Abbey Road. The award-winning production comes to the Montgomery Theater in San Jose on Sunday, November 3 at 7 pm.

As a lonely adolescent, Epstein longed to escape the dull, decaying town of Liverpool to make his mark in the arts and theater in glamorous London. However, his enrollment in the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts ended in failure and disappointment.

In 1957, while in London, he suffered the humiliation of an arrest for “importuning” (soliciting men for sex). Though he avoided prison, he remained traumatized by the ordeal. He was also discharged from the military after ten months for being “unfit” to serve - most likely his homosexuality, which remained a crime in England until one month after his death in 1967.

A defeated Epstein reluctantly returned to Liverpool to work at his family's furniture store and took over the small record department. To everyone’s surprise, he excelled.

It was from this shop that Brian set out on November 9, 1961, to catch the lunch hour show at a dingy, dank former vegetable cellar, The Cavern Club, a few hundred yards away. He made his way past a queue of teenage girls in beehives and boys in skin-tight drain-pipe trousers, and down 18 damp stone steps to check out four sweaty young men playing guitars and drums.

Epstein was at least six years older than any of the Beatles and lived in a different socio-economic and cultural sphere. He favored the finer arts like opera, theater and chamber music, not the simple, raucous rock 'n' roll that was sweeping across Britain at the time.

During the Beatles’ time in Hamburg, they began wearing black leather jackets and adopted a look that conveyed the casual charm of hoods on holiday. During shows, they drank, smoked cigarettes and spiced their stage banter with profanity.

“Against all odds, he was instantly charmed by what he saw on stage,” said Alxander Jon (spelling is correct), who plays “Epstein” in the musical. “He then seized upon the idea of “cleaning up” the band and transforming them into something the world could embrace.”

Epstein had no experience managing entertainers and he did not he have any contacts in the music industry. However, the Beatles were desperate for someone to help them with their careers. Although they were the kings of Liverpool, but they were stuck in the UK's Merseyside County. In essence, Epstein and the group needed one another -- his eloquence, fine upper-class manners and wealth obviously impressed the Beatles, all of whom grew up in working-class environments.Within two years of first meeting Epstein, they were performing in collarless jackets and taking synchronized bows.

Everyone knows what happened next. Epstein landed them an audition with Parlophone, a small label under EMI, which led to the much-coveted recording contract. By the end of 1963, the Beatles were the hottest act in Britain, and, in the following year, they would become the most famous four people on the planet.

While he didn’t single-handedly invent rock management and promotion, Epstein clearly took the profession to previously unknown peaks with huge stadium concerts, global tours and publicizing his clients’ personalities, as well as their music.

Epstein had no musical talent of his own and he did not impart any influence on the Beatles' music, but it is safe to assume that if he had decided not to manage the Beatles, they would have never been unveiled to the outside world and society as we know it today might be quite different.

Over the next three years, as the Beatles' fame and public adulation escalated to unprecedented heights, Epstein, not even 30, attained a level of affluence and power he could not possibly have ever dreamed of.

However, riches and celebrity failed to soothe Epstein's fragile psyche. He managed the Beatles until his death at the age of 32 of a drug overdose.

“Epstein was a fascinating, complex figure who was a deeply troubled and insecure man who fought demons that ultimately ended his life in tragedy,” said Jon.”It is a challenge to play him,” he said.

Ironically, it was McCartney, not a great admirer of Epstein, who declared to the BBC: "If anyone was the fifth Beatle, it was Brian."

More than just a Beatles tribute concert, “In My Life” gives the audience a chance to “be there” at pivotal moments in the extraordinary career of the Beatles: Liverpool’s legendary Cavern Club, The Ed Sullivan Show, Shea Stadium, Abbey Road Studios and the final live performance on the rooftop of their Apple Corp offices. With Epstein serving as narrator, In My Life allows the audience to get a glimpse inside the world of the Beatles from their point of view, as well as hear some of the greatest songs ever written. Historical settings such as the Cavern Club are established on stage with videos and images which play behind the actors and musicians on a a video screen. The show has been touring for years and is widely considered by industry insiders to be the most unique Beatles show in decades.

“In My Life” takes the audience back to February 1964, when Americans saw the Beatles for the first time on the Ed Sullivan Show, playing I Want to Hold Your Hand. Progressing through their various musical stages, the audience re-experiences the psychedelic era of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, the creation of the haunting Yesterday and the raucous rock and roll of Revolution.

“The show delivers!” said the L.A. Times. “If you see one tribute show, see this one – smart and loads of fun,” said the O.C. Register. “This is the ticket for you,” said the Idaho Statesman. “The most original of all the shows on the Beatles,” San Diego Theatre Review.

Merryhill Grade-Schoolers to Attempt to Break World Record During Save the Children’s Global Marathon on Oct. 23

WHAT:             Merryhill Elementary School students in San Jose will team up to take on Save the Children’s World Marathon Challenge at Penitencia Creek Park on Oct. 23. The World Marathon Challenge is a global relay in which teams of children from around the world band together to complete a full marathon distance of 26.2 miles, and attempt to break the world marathon record of 2 hours, 3 minutes and 38 seconds, held by Kenyan runner Patrick Makau.
Events will be held throughout the month of October worldwide, with hundreds of teams running simultaneously on Oct. 23, a global day of action. In all, 50,000 children in more than 60 countries will take on the challenge.
The goal of the race is to raise funds and awareness for programs focused on child survival and well-being. All funds will go to support Save the Children's work in the United States and globally. 
Save the Children’s vision is to make sure all children survive and thrive.  Achieving this vision is not a sprint, but a marathon – a world marathon.  To learn more, go here:
WHO:         Karen Cooper, Principal, Merryhill Elementary School, San Jose
                       Immie Van Etten, Save the Children

                    143 student runners
                       25 school staff members
WHEN:            Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2013
                        9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
WHERE:          750 North Capitol Avenue, San Jose, Ca.   
Save the Children  is the leading, independent organization that creates lasting   change for children in need in the United States and around the world. Follow us on Twitter at, and on Facebook,

Saturday, October 19, 2013

sjDance: Tango Fatal Today

Tango Fatal - October 18+19, 2013

Tango Fatal has a scenario by Lorenz Russo, Choreography by sjDANCEco Artistic Director Maria Basile in collaboration with Opera/Theatre Director Daniel Helfgot, and San Jose Chamber Orchestra Director Barbara Day Turner. Four additional World Premieres by Company Choreographers Heather Cooper and Hsiang-Hsiu Lin and guest choreographers Kara Davis and Margaret Wingrove. Pre-performance discussion with Artistic Director Gary Masters at 7:00pm before each performance.

Friday, October 18, 2013

STAR WARS Exhibit Opens This Saturday at The Tech!

Sam Liccardo @ The Tech

This week, The Tech Museum of Innovation held a press conference for the upcoming exhibit, STAR WARS: Where Science Meets Imagination. If you've walked or driven past the Tech Museum lately, then you've seen the giant billboard with Yoda and Darth Vader wrapped around the corner of the building.

Well it's finally time to see what they've been hyping the last few months. Starting this Saturday, October 19th and running through February 23, 2014, fanboys and girls from all ages will have the opportunity to learn the science of Star Wars, and check out some pretty awesome movie props at the same time.

Throughout the 10,000-square-foot exhibition will be props, costumes, and models from all six Star Wars films. (Similar to the previous Mythbusters exhibit, if you attended it.)

"Visitors will be exposed to immersive, hands-on experiences and to topics ranging from space travel, mechanical prosthetics, robotics, and levitation technology."

There were many of these hands-on exhibits -- build a robot, ride what looks like a lawnmower that hovers a bit off the ground, and others.

Hover! Build a robot!


Going into hyperspace.. weee!One of the hyped features of this exhibit is the Millennium Falcon™ experience. It is a full-size replica of the cockpit. Which means it's fairly small since it only has four seats. If you or your kids are a big fans of Star Wars, try to sit in the front two seats to get the full experience. Inside this replica you get to learn about "real-world space exploration" narrated by Anthony Daniels (aka, C-3PO.) I glanced at my watch before checking this out and as it turns out it's about five minutes long. Because it's five minutes and only four people can experience it at a time, there might be a long wait to get in depending when you go.

Which is why there are separate tickets if you choose to check it out. At first, I thought it was merely a ticket that simply secured your spot in line at any point in the day. Let me clarify, I thought the ticket was free.

The difference between the two ticket packages, "Jedi Package" and "Star Wars" - tis that "Jedi" guarantees your voyage on The Millennium Falcon Experience while "Star Wars" does not. The price difference? Adult price for "Jedi Package" is $27, "Star Wars" is $22. If $5 is not much to you, buy the ticket and watch the 5 minute educational video on space. Or look at it as spending $5 to possibly sit in the front two seats and push fake buttons and watch the screen go all hyper-spacey in front of you.

I'm not a die-hard Star Wars fan (my husband is, therefore all my exposure to the movies is through his brainwashing influence) -- so personally, knowing what the "experience" is, I would not pay $5 for it. 

However, if you do decide, what the heck, and pay the $5 to sit in the cockpit (it does provide some fun photo opportunities and kids will enjoy it) -- then once you get into the exhibit, walk through the whole thing first, so you can check out the line at the The Millennium Falcon Experience (it's at the end, just before the merchandise area.) There were signs that will give you an idea of how long of a wait you will have - 30 minutes, 90 minutes etc. Check out the current wait, determine when you need to stand in line.

Overall it's a fun exhibit with plenty of things to entertain and educate everyone!

If you'd like to see a few more photos I took, follow this link to my Flickr set.

Where: The Tech Museum of Innovation
When: Oct 19 - Feb 23
Tickets: Various packages/prices

Jim Stump Expands The Table Restaurant and launches Stumpy's

After being open for only a year, Jim Stump--proprietor of AP Stumps and Los Gatos Brewing Co.--is already expanding The Table in Willow Glen. The restaurant has been booming lately and they are taking over 900 SQFT currently occupied by a neighboring dry-cleaner, where they will move their bar to. This also creates the opportunity for a massive outdoor patio (drawing below). Construction is slated for early 2014 with a 4-5 month build-out, just in time for summer.

Jim is also doubling down on Willow Glen with a second eatery called Stumpy's in the Garden Theater building. They will serve modern hamburgers and hot dogs in a small 700 SQFT space, but they are planning to convert two parking spots into an outdoor curb-cafe to make more available dining space.

Source: SVBJ
The Table will expand into the current Elite Cleaners space, which is on the corner of Lincoln Avenue and Willow Street in San Jose's Willow Glen. The expansion will allow coveted outdoor dining space on the corner, which is currently a drive-up loading zone for the cleaner's.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Sam Liccardo's Newsletter: Traffic Relief is on Its Way

In Sam Liccardo's latest newsletter, he talks about the plans for addressing increased congestion going forward. What do you guys think?


Traffic Relief on Its Way

                If you’ve noticed that the traffic along your commute has become much worse, you’re not alone: in April 2013, INRIX announced that San José area congestion increased 25% over the prior year alone.   While a sign of the “good times” to be sure –a typical bellwether of our Valley’s rebounding economy—the impact of traffic on our quality of life cannot be ignored: more stress, less productivity, and fewer hours for family or recreation. 

         Doing the same things the same ways---i.e., expanding freeways and “hoping for the best”-- doesn’t amount to a winning strategy, for several reasons.  First, it costs between $3 million and $15 million to add a single mile of a single additional lane to a congested freeway,  and few discretionary dollars remain at any level—federal, state, or regional—to pay for more freeway expansion.  Second, SB375 and other legislation appropriately place the burden on regions like the Bay Area to reduce our per-resident greenhouse gas-emissions, and encouraging more people to find commuting alternatives to the automobile improves our environment and relieves traffic.  Finally, San José will see more population growth–about 400,000 additional people over the next quarter century—than the next three largest Bay Area cities (San Francisco, Oakland, and Fremont) combined.   Job and population will outstrip any expansion of freeway capacity by a factor of three over that time.  So, if you think it’s bad now, just wait: it will be worse.

        Fortunately, we’re not doing the same things the same way.  As a Board Member of both the Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), I’ve worked to push San José and the region toward innovative approaches that offer important alternatives: 
  • BART is under construction!   Moving ahead of schedule and $105 millionunder budget (yes, you read that right), BART will open service in San José’s Berryessa station in 2017.   In 2000 and 2008,  I spent thousands of hours advocating for BART in the media, raising money to support those ballot measures, and speaking at community meetings, so BART’s arrival is happily anticipated by me, and by thousands of commuters stuck in rush hour traffic along 680 and 880.
  • Last month, I was proud to join People Acting in Community Together (PACT) and the VTA in announcing a long-sought pilot project to expand the mobility of our working low-income neighbors, by reducing monthly transit passes fares by over 60%.   Residents making less than 200% of the Federal poverty level ( e.g., $47,000 for a family of four) can obtain the $25 monthly pass bycontacting one of the non-profits administering the program.
  • In the last 30 months, we’ve introduced “express lanes” on southbound 237 and 680, using congestion pricing to provide commuters with travel time savings up to 15 minutes along those routes, and generating revenues for transportation improvements.   Look for Express Lane implementation to relieve long-suffering commuters on 101 and 85 in 2014-15.
  • In the last year, we’ve seen the launch of both car-sharing (i.e., Zip Car) andbike-sharing services, providing our fast-growing Downtown with an antidote for the increased congestion and parking demand from the addition of roughly 2,000 housing units likely to be under construction by this time next year.  Now that my efforts to initiate these innovations over the last half-decade have borne fruit, we’ll continue to push to make these services available outside the Downtown.
  • Within weeks, we’ll begin construction on a “Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system, linking Downtown and East San Jose with dedicated bus-only lanes, and high-frequency, high-amenity service along Santa Clara, Alum Rock, and Capitol.
  • As commuting trips along our trails system surges, we’re seeking continued investment in expanding our trails infrastructure.   Last year, I worked with the Silicon Valley Leadership Group to obtain state grants for two trail segments in North San Jose.  Last month, we successfully obtained $1,200,000 in funding from MTC for the expansion of Los Gatos Creek Trail in West San Jose.
  • On the MTC Board, I’ve also recently voted to allocate regional grants to improve bike and pedestrian safety near San José elementary schools through our Walk N’Roll program, to retrofit streetscapes for better pedestrian and bike access along key corridors like The Alameda and San Carlos, and to boost our street repaving budget by $8 million.
  • We’ve recently obtained regional grants for implementation of “smart intersections” technology, and have begun construction on a sophisticated transportation management center on 5th Street.  Exciting innovations abound.  For example, working with our Transportation Department staff, BMW is testing ways that “smart cars” and “smart intersections” will communicate to dramatically reduce red-light running, auto emissions, and congestion at key intersections.  
We’ll keep pushing to reduce the traffic burdens you encounter every morning.   Let me know how we can better do so by sending me your thoughts


Sam Liccardo