The focus of the film will be on San Jose's role in Silicon Valley's evolution, but everything from the orchards to the mercury mines will be a part of the documentary.
The release is targeted for Spring 2014. Norman is hoping to premier it at a local theater and then distribute it via PBS and online for free. For more information on the firm, just head over to the Norman Kline Productions website over here.
Source: SVBJ, Norman Kline Productions
September 9, 2013, San Jose, CA - Agreement has been reached between Norman Kline Productions, Inc., CreaTV San Jose and History San Jose to work in partnership to produce a major documentary on the history of San Jose. Acclaimed producer/director Michael Pierce has been tapped to direct the film based on an original script by Norman Kline.
“There has never been a documentary of San Jose of this scope and we believe it’s about time,” says Mr. Kline, project creator. “San Jose has rich history, amazing canvas of land and weather and the most innovative and creative people on the planet. We need to recognize the positive power and influence of our city and how we got here - with all the ups and downs along the way.”
“CreaTV San Jose is honored to provide the production facilities, staffing and fiscal sponsorship for this project. We look forward to producing an exceptional documentary worthy of our great city,” says Suzanne St. John-Crane, executive director of CreaTV San Jose. The ninety minute documentary will feature authentic archival footage and photography to illustrate San Jose’s past. Alida Bray, president and CEO of History San José, says “It always amazes me how many incredible stories come out of San Jose. You name it, and we have been there or done it. From the first State Capital, to first regular radio broadcast, to development of RAMAC the first magnetic disk drive -- San Jose has historically led the way in creativity and innovation. We can't wait to share these incredible stories with a larger audience!”
The project is possible with the partnership of the two nonprofits and financial backing of the wider community. Funding is being sought from businesses, civic groups and individuals. All contributions will be made directly to CreaTV San Jose and are one hundred percent tax deductible. Any remaining contributions from the production and distribution of the film will be donated to the two major sponsoring nonprofits. “After the premier, the film will be accessible to the public for free,” says Mr. Kline. “We want this to be educational for all San Joseans - something real to unite us.”
About CreaTV San Jose
Founded in 2007, CreaTV San Jose is a member-based, non-profit community media center that helps the residents, businesses, schools and organizations in San Jose to effectively communicate their message to a broader audience using our public and education television and Internet channels. CreaTV fulfills its mission to inspire, educate and connect San Jose communities, using media to foster civic engagement, by providing the free airtime and the low-cost training and tools that allow diverse and often under-served communities to tell their stories and express their views through video.
About History San José
History San José is a non-profit organization that collects, preserves and celebrates the stories of the diversity and innovation in San Jose and Santa Clara Valley. HSJ manages one of the largest and most comprehensive regional history collections in the State of California, from 1784 Spanish government records to twenty-first century Silicon Valley technology.
About Norman Kline Productions
Norman Kline Productions, Inc. is a startup film production studio specializing in historical documentaries of Silicon Valley. Norman Kline is a businessman, innovator, and community leader from San Jose who served in several public positions including the Santa Clara Planning Commission, Mayor of the City of Saratoga and the San Jose Planning Commission. Prior to founding his own internet company, LibraryWorld, Inc., Mr. Kline held technology and management roles with Lockheed Missiles and Space and Apple Computer.