Monday, June 10, 2013

Downtown San Jose Courthouse Funded and Breaking Ground Next Month

Santa Clara County is building a brand new $230 million Family Justice Center bordering St. James Park. The building will only be eight-stories tall, but will take up nearly a quarter million square feet on the block bound by West St. James, North First, DeVine, and North Market. The building will contain 20 court rooms and consolidate various courts throughout the San Jose area. This will also open multiple new development opportunities throughout Downtown.

Groundbreaking is scheduled to happen on July 16th!

Source: SJBJ

Sunday, June 9, 2013

HP Pavilion will be Renamed SAP Center

Software giant SAP is going to be taking over naming rights for the HP Pavilion, which was previously the Compaq Center and the San Jose Arena before that. The founder of SAP happens to be the majority owner of the Sharks, so it makes sense. The city is going to receive $1.675 million each year for the five year term of the contract and the Sharks will receive an equal amount.

I have to be honest, I'm not a huge fan of the name. Instead of calling it "S-A-P" Center, I can see people calling it the "sap" Center. What is the urban dictionary definition of a sap?  

A fool; someone who is prone to being taken advantage of, or who has been taken advantage of, usually in a situation that is easily perceived by others as foolhardy.

So based on branding implications alone, I prefer the HP Pavilion. I think I'll just continue to call it the Shark Tank or San Jose Arena for now. What do you guys think?

Source: The Merc

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Saturday Stats: Santa Clara County is Growing the Fastest in California

There was a substantial population boom in Silicon Valley during 2012. Santa Clara County grew by an astounding 1.6% over the year, more than any other major county in all of California. The state average for population growth was half that at 0.8%. San Mateo, Alameda, and San Francisco also grew by over 1% but nothing matched Santa Clara County. This is great news. Since there is very little room for sprawl left in the Valley, as population grows our cities are becoming more dense. As density rises, the average cost of delivering services to residents should decrease while the market for world-class amenities increases. Congestion will also increase, but that will hopefully push government to improve public transit infrastructure throughout Santa Clara County.

Source: SVBJ

Friday, June 7, 2013

6th Annual SubZERO Festival TODAY!

South FIRST FRIDAYS presents the 6th Annual SubZERO Festival

Focused on emerging and present subcultures thriving in our region, SubZERO is a diy, artistically bent, hi/lo-techno mashup where street meets geek. Come downtown on June 7th to San Jose's SoFA District from 6pm 'til midnight for an inspired evening of arts & culture. In addition to the South FIRST FRIDAYS monthly art walk you'll find outdoor stages of entertainment plus artists, performers & musicians celebrating the indie creative spirit!

FRIDAY JUNE 7, 2013 from 6pm-midnight
SoFA district in downtown San Jose
(on South First Street between San Carlos & Reed Streets)

Be sure to follow us on Twitter ( and keep in touch here on Facebook to keep up with the latest news as the festival approaches.

2013 SubZERO Artists/Creative Vendors
Alan Hackler
André Hart
Al Preciado
Alfredo Reyes
Art Alive Gallery
Artist As Specimen
Avery Palmer
Baysics Clothing
Becca's Studio
Black & Brown
Black Cat Collective
Black Lotus Clothing
Blitz Fashion Show
Bloco del Sol
Blunt Letters
Bryan Lovo
Bugs and Monsters
Canvas Ghost
Cardoboard Box Theater
Chivaz Wear
Christian Cabuay
Classic Loot
Josh Nimoy
Reza Ali
Xavi Vives Riba
James Morgan
Vinit Patil
Ed Key + David Kanaga,
Dan Lynch
Lucas Calderin & Spencer Poff
Content Magazine
Corpus Callosum
Crossroads Trading
Current Tattooing
Cynthia Gonzalez
David Canavese
David Mejia
Death Before Dishonor
Dorothy Whitman
Effie's Heart
Faerie Goatmother
Fernando Amaro
Francisco Franco
Frank Aguilar
Friends With Benefits
Galactic Romance
Gianfranco Paolozzi
Good Karma Bikes
Groovepainter Micah
Higher Fire Clayspace & Gallery
Jai Rodriguez
James Pollard
Jean Davis
Jeff Hemming
Jim Fonsenca
Jodi Mascarenas
Jose Angeles
Joshua Quinonez
Julie Bilyeu
Jumble Jimbles
Kathryn Hedges
Keith Bunnell
Knotty Boards
Kori Thompson
Korrupt Label
Laptop Orchestra at SCU
Lauren Baines Dance Co
LAuruS Myth
Loopy Cam by Tim Thompson
Lucy and Mabel Jewelry
Luna Park Chalk Arts Festival
Marie and Chris
Matthew Lopez
Matthew Seigel
Mejia Arts
Michele Guieu
Mighty Mike McGee
Morgan Richardson
The One Thousand Thousand Project
Oversocial MOFO Revue
Persephone Dance Company
POPS Fabrication
Radio KKUP 91.5fm
Rock 'n the Trend
Sam Raske
Sandi Billingsley
San Jose Bike Clinic
San Jose Bike Valet
San Jose Rock Shop
San Jose Yarnbombers
Showroom by The Usuals
SJ Rockage
SLG /ArtBoutiki
South Bay Circus Arts
Steamy Tech
Steven Haman
Steven Reece
SV Roller Girls
Tahira: The Pure Dance Theatre
Techshop San Jose
There There
Tiny Splendor
Wesley Wright
Zatoon Clothing

BLITZ Fashion Show

3 Stages of Music featuring:
Adira Shark
Brother Grand
Corpus Callosum
Halo Between
Haptic Synapses
Mad Noise
Mark Camp (aka Astronout)
Rin Tin Tiger
The Seaons
Silent Pictures
Together We Are Robots
The Wild Reeds

Better Brew Tasting Garden, sponsored by Lagunitas & hosted by BetterBeerBlog

Delicious array of Food Trucks:
Banjara Bistro
Barefoot Coffee
Cheese Bandits
Eat On Monday
MoBowl Food Truck
O Mi Ninja
Quick Dog
Twisted Chill

SubZERO Festival is made possible by the artists & creatives listed above and by these amazing sponsors:

Lagunitas Brewing
San Jose Downtown Association
TechShop SJ
Bay Brewer's Guild
1st ACT

Thursday, June 6, 2013

InvenSense is Moving to San Jose

InvenSense is the leading provider of motion tracking devices in consumer electronics. These include gyroscopes, accelerators, compasses, and pressure sensors that you would find in today's smartphones, tablets, video game systems, smart TVs, and upcoming tech like Google Glass.

The company is rapidly growing and needs more space, so they have decided to ditch their 51,000 SQFT office in Sunnyvale and move to 130,000 SQFT near SJC. The building used to be occupied by Borcade before they moved to their shiny new headquarters in the @First area.

The larger footprint will also mean more hires. They could increase their number of US employees from 197 all the way up to 430 with this new space. InvenSense is definitely a welcome addition to the vast portfolio of tech companies currently in San Jose.

Source: SVBJ

InvenSense is taking over a big chunk of 1745 Technology Drive in San Jose.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Wednesday Wishlist: Amazing Architecture, Even with Height Limits

It has been a while since I have done a Wednesday Wishlist, but when I saw this building design in the development forums it blew my mind and I had to share. The best part is something like this is entirely doable within Downtown San Jose's height limits. Check out the design of the PARKROYAL Hotel in Singapore.

Source: San Jose Development ForumFreshome Design & Architecture

architetcure parkroyal sky garden hotel

design parkroyal sky garden hotel

exterior parkroyal sky garden hotel

parkroyal sky garden hotel (3)

parkroyal sky garden hotel (4)

parkroyal sky garden hotel (5)

parkroyal sky garden hotel (6)

parkroyal sky garden hotel (7)

parkroyal sky garden hotel (9)

parkroyal sky garden hotel (17)

parkroyal sky garden hotel (19)

parkroyal sky garden hotel (20)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

EPIC NEWS! Downtown San Jose Getting a SECOND San Pedro Square Market!

Downtown San Jose has been having a pretty good year so far. The restaurant scene is exploding, high-rises are breaking ground, MUJI opened, the convention center expansion is almost done, huge new festivals are being planned, and now this...

I consider myself to be pretty plugged in to what's going on Downtown, but I can honestly say that I did not see this one coming. Reading this news in the Business Journal today was like getting a surprise gift you were not expecting for Christmas.

AEDIS Architecture and Planning is building a small project similar to the San Pedro Square Market in the SoFA District! The project will clock in at 7,500 SQFT, will have an artsy vibe to be consistent with the SoFA area, and will contain around 10 food and retail vendors! There are already four potential vendors and they really want to secure a bar, wine bar, or beer garden to be one of those 10. None of these will be large chains, all will be unique independent shops like the San Pedro Square Market. Integrating an art gallery is another possibility.

Not only will it front South First Street, but there is also an interior courtyard that will be part of the project. Above the retail will be a new 9,000 SQFT office (which is also being partially sublet). This is all located at 371-387 South First across the street from Cafe Stritch and Anno Domini. Launch is targeted for November. 2013 keeps getting better and better for Downtown!

Source: SVBJ

Monday, June 3, 2013

One South Market

Thanks to all those that came out to the Market Beer Co. to celebrate the ground breaking of One South Market! Hope you guys enjoyed the beers, I know I did. For those skeptical on whether our celebration was premature, here is the official press release from Essex properties which came out on Friday (good timing eh? ;)

PALO ALTO, CA--(Marketwired - May 31, 2013) - Essex Property Trust, Inc. (NYSEESS), announced today the purchase of a land parcel and commencement of construction on an apartment community located in downtown San Jose, California. The twenty-three story property will contain 312 homes and approximately 6,000 square feet of ground floor retail space. The Company expects the community to cost approximately $145 million and will begin leasing in the spring of 2015.
The Company has entered into a co-investment partnership with an institutional investor for the development of the community. The Company will have a 55% interest in the venture and will earn customary management fees and may earn a promoted interest.
Each home will have luxury finishes and floor to ceiling windows. Amenities at the community will include a lap pool, rooftop sun deck with BBQ area, state-of-the-art fitness center, Wi-Fi lounge, and clubhouse. The site is located in the heart of downtown San Jose near high paying jobs, shopping, restaurants, entertainment, and public transportation. Several commercial developments are underway or planned, as the city is seeking to incentivize employers to locate downtown. In addition, there are plans for a BART station across the street from our community which will connect downtown to San Francisco. One South Market scores 97 out of 100 on
About Essex Property Trust, Inc. Essex Property Trust, Inc., an S&P 400 company, is a fully integrated real estate investment trust (REIT) that acquires, develops, redevelops, and manages apartment communities located in highly desirable, supply-constrained markets. Essex currently has ownership interests in 166 multifamily properties with an additional 9 properties in various stages of development. Additional information about Essex can be found on the Company's web site

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Free WiFi for Downtown San Jose Small Businesses

As many of you know, Downtown San Jose was recently blanketed with the fastest outdoor public WiFi system in North America. The one problem is that it does not work very well indoors. Fortunately, there is a new program that will help Downtown businesses connect to this network.

The tagline for this program is "Create a Job, Get Free WiFi."  Any Downtown employer that hires just one new person in the next few months or opens shop Downtown will receive new indoor boosters to connect to the "Wickedly Fast" WiFi network.

Personally, I think this is a great direction and is the type of thinking needed to help Downtown small businesses succeed. Hopefully we will see more creative ideas like this in the future to promote job creation in San Jose's core.

Source: Sam Liccardo Newsletter

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Saturday Stats: San Jose is the #10 Market Nationwide for Job Growth

Employment in San Jose is up 1.3% since the recession (versus 0.4% for SF), the unemployment rate has fallen 1.1% over the last year, and it has ranked among the top cities in job creation with a Gallup Job Creation Index score of 23. These stats have led to San Jose being ranked as the #10 market for job growth in the US. Why not #1 you ask? The total unemployment is still somehow 8.2%. It is falling fast, but is still higher than most of the other cities on the list. Here is the top 10:

1.) Orlando
2.) Houston
3.) Denver
4.) San Antonio
5.) Louisville
6.) San Francisco
7.) Austin
8.) Columbus
9.) Seattle
10.) San Jose

Source: SVBJ, CreditDonkey

San Jose, California