Monday, March 18, 2013

Cafe Stritch Now Open in SoFA!

2013 is going to be the best year for new restaurants that Downtown San Jose has ever seen. I'm going to go out on a limb (as usual) and say that by the end of the year the type of scene and energy that you can now find at the San Pedro Square Market will also be available in other parts of Downtown.

SoFA's new restaurant anchor--Cafe Stritch--officially opened over the weekend. It's operated by the next generation of the Borkenhagen family, which ran Eulipia for decades.

The ambiance is hip, modern, and artsy, with a jazz-club vibe (somewhat ironic since Eulipia was a jazz club at one point). The food and staff are excellent, there's a great bar, the outdoor seating setup is one of the most impressive I've seen Downtown, oh yeah... and everything on the menu is under $10.

The fare is essentially modern American comfort food served tapas-style. Over the weekend I tried the chicken & waffles, mac & cheese, fries, tomato bisque with a grilled cheese sandwich, and the vegan french dip which was my favorite. That last one was surprisingly excellent for a vegan entree and you have to try it even if you're not vegan! Picture vegetable tempura inside of a crisp baguette with a great dipping sauce. The total bill for food that would easily have fed 3-4 people... $30.

Some other big huge pluses about this establishment:

  • Elevated stage for live musicians, which they will likely feature several times week (more live music in SoFA!)
  • Second floor where they will eventually build some sort of lounge area with couches. 
  • Open Sundays (many Downtown restaurants are not)
  • Open until midnight on Fridays and Saturdays

I can see this place improving the vibe of the entire SoFA district. This is another epic addition to Downtown San Jose and I'm thrilled with how this turned out!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

2nd Annual Fashion Show for the South Bay Art Institute

The Art Institute of California - Silicon Valley is preparing "Up in the Air" for this Thursday, March 21st at the Computer History Museum. It is being produced by the Bachelor or Science students in the Fashion Marketing & Management program and will feature original designs created and styled by the students and instructors.

Frankly, I had no idea there was even a Fashion program in the South Bay. It's great to see the region start to build out proficiencies outside of tech. It will add to work and cultural diversity and make help make Silicon Valley an even more interesting place! For more information on the fashion program, click here.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Here are my top recommendations for places to go in San Jose this St. Patty's Day:

  • San Pedro Square Market
  • O'Flaherty's Irish Pub
  • Trials Pub
  • Rosie McCann's Restaurant 
  • Britannia Arms
  • Firehouse No. 1 Gastro Pub
  • Cafe Stritch

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Saturday, March 16, 2013

New ArtBox in Japantown

from Phantom Galleries 

Takahiro Kitamura along with fellow artists Chris Brand & Drew Flores have just completed a new ArtBox in Japantown at 3rd & Jackson.

If you'd like to be involved in the ArtBox Project, please send samples of your art work and artist's statement to info[at]PhantomGalleries[dot]com. The weather's getting nicer and we have a lot of new locations in the works!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Riverpark II Finally Getting Tenants!

The single largest vacant office space in Downtown San Jose is Legacy Partner's massive tower at 300 Park Avenue, which is 320,000 SQFT. Much like the Sobrato Tower, Legacy has been holding out for a single tenant for the whole building. It is much easier to manage one tenant as opposed to several smaller tenants, and the location of this tower would make a great corporate headquarters for a large company like Adobe.

However, it looks like the strategy of looking for a single tenant has not panned out so well. Legacy is now leasing the building floor by floor. The results? They now have three letters of intent to move into the building.

Source: SVBJ, Thanks Jonathan Bush for the tip!

Riverpark Tower II Exterior

Thursday, March 14, 2013

History San José’s Family Days Series Celebrates International World Water Day Saturday, March 23 at History Park in Kelley Park

San José, CA – March 7, 2013 ---March 22 marks the 20th anniversary of International World Water Day. By decree from the United Nations General Assembly, this year’s theme of “International Year of Water Co-Operation---Make Every Drop Count,” is a day that focuses on the importance of freshwater and the sustainable management of freshwater resources. Just in time, History San Jose is hosting a Coyote Creek Cleanup, as well as its exhibit, Shaped by Water: Past, Present and Future.
History San José will celebrate World Water Day on Saturday, March 23 by inviting the public to a cleanup of the banks of Coyote Creek, that runs between History Park and Happy Hollow Park and Zoo. Partnering with Bright Green San Jose, Santa Clara Water District and Watershed Watch, History Park will raise awareness of the significance of water.
"The importance of water is life itself, and don't we all take it for granted?" asks Alida Bray, President and CEO of History San Jose. "With World Water Day and the exhibit Shaped by Water: Past Present & Future we are reminded that when history meets the present day, it is important to plan for the future."
Coyote Creek is one of the largest watersheds in the Santa Clara Valley. Sixteen major creeks drain the 350 square miles that comprise the watershed, which eventually meets tidewater and becomes part of the salt marsh at the foot of the San Francisco Bay. It is home to over one-half million people, and provides a habitat for a wide variety of plants, fish and animals and runs from Milpitas to Morgan Hill.
In keeping with the theme, a Spring Egg Hunt will take place for children ages 2 to 9 on the Firehouse Lawn.  Registration for the egg hunt is from noon to 12:45 PM on the porch at the Pacific Hotel, with the hunt beginning at 1 PM. Donation is $2 per child.
Inside the Gallery of the Pacific Hotel is  Shaped by Water: Past, Present and Future, an exhibit depicting how water has literally shaped the history of Santa Clara Valley, and highlights what challenges our community will face in the future. The exhibition demonstrates through photographs, artistic interpretations, stories and interactive activities for kids of all ages, the unique connection between humans and this precious and finite resource.
There will also be a Water Fair including participants from local agencies dealing with water and conservation. In conjunction with Watershed Watch, and “Bright Green San José,” the environmental branch of the City of San José, the ‘spring cleaning’ will take place from  9 AM to Noon. The clean-up is for children ages 10 and up, as well as adults.  Park clean-up registration begins at 9 am at the Phelan Avenue entrance to History Park. There is no charge for the creek clean-up, and everyone is invited to learn about the freshwater.
Then at 2 PM on the Plaza at History Park, watch the “Water Wizard” Kathy Machado, with the Santa Clara Valley Water District, perform seemingly impossible feats with water.
Refreshments will be available for purchase from Larry’s Hot Dogs, Mona’s Fruit, Treat Ice Cream in O’Brien’s Ice Cream Parlor and Tony’s Popcorn Cart.
Admission is free, city parking lots $6. History Park is located at 1650 Senter Road (for GPS puposes, use 635 Phelan Avenue, San Jose, CA).
   # # # 
Upcoming History San José Family Days will include:
Saturday, April 20: Earth Day / Arbor Day:  There will be a concert by Linda Tringali, and Archaeology Dig with the Stanford Archaeology Students, and Litter Pick Up of Kelley Park.
Sunday, May 19: Celebrate Sempre Virens 150th Anniversary, visit Andrew Hill and John Muir, and Dig San José: Public Archaeology Day for children at History Park. Admission charged.
Sunday, June 19: Celebrate Father’s Day at History Park as we celebrate Historic Transportation Day with toy trains, hand car and trolley rides, sit in the Wells Fargo Stage Coach and listen to stories about early travel.
Admission charged.
Sunday, July 7:  Gold Rush Family Day:  this family-friendly event at History Park will highlight gold panning actiities for the children, which is also a great opportunity to play in water. Lion dancers will celebrate the contribution of the Chinese people to the Gold Rush. Admission charged.
Sunday, August 25 is the Fandango at the Peralta Adobe Historic Site
Sunday, October 27 is Haunt History Park, celebrating Halloween
Sunday, November 24 is the 236th Happy Birthday San José! Celebration at the Peralta – Fallon Historic Site
Saturday, December 14 is the Children’s Heritage Festival at History Park.
For more information call 408 918-1047 or visit
   # # # 
About History San José: 
History San José is a non-profit organization that collects, preserves and celebrates the stories of diversity and innovation in San José and the Santa Clara Valley. HSJ manages one of the largest and most comprehensive regional history collections in the State of California, from 1784 Spanish governmental records to twenty-first century Silicon Valley technology. 
History San José     1650 Senter Road     San José, CA  95112      408.287.2290
Facebook: /historysanjose
Twitter: @historysanjose

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

SJMADE Mini Mart on March 21st and 22nd

It looks like another SJMADE pop-up event featuring local entrepreneurs and artisans is coming next week to San Jose. I wish these events would be more than two days. This is a great way to fill up our vacant retail space until permanent leases come in. If you want to participate as a vendor, all of the information is below. As for everyone else, I'll post the location when I have more info!

San Jose Made (SJMADE)

Be a Vendor at SJMADE Mini Mart at Start Up Shop

Downtown San Jose
75 East Santa Clara Street
San Jose, CA 95112
March 21st, 5p to 8p
March 22nd, 5p to 10p

SJMADE Mini Mart is a smaller version of our typical SJMADE events. This format allows for us to partner with other organizations who also seek to activate vacant spaces throughout San Jose. Smaller-scale vendor shows in inactive San Jose spaces brings life to these places and encourages local business at the same time.

For this mini mart, we partner with the office of District 3 in San Jose to present Start Up Shop--a two-day pop-up installation in a vacant office space in Downtown San Jose. By involving downtown building owners, local independent retail businesses, event-based organizations, and collaborative co-working studios, the office of San Jose's District 3 and SJMADE seeks to encourage creative start-ups, studios, and retailers to start up shop in Downtown San Jose.

Are you a local maker, designer, artist, or independent retail business owner looking to get involved? If so, sign-up to be a vendor!

Interested in being a Mini Mart Vendor?

 Complete your vendor application here >

Along with your completed online application, you must submit your payment information for your booth fee. All applications and booth fees must be submitted by midnight on March 5th.

If you have a questions regarding this application process, contact us at

Any questions? Email us:

SJMADE, San Jose, CA

San Jose Made (SJMADE) | 1020 The Alameda  | San Jose, CA 95126 | 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

New Marshalls Coming to Village Oaks

Village Oaks is a large retail destination planned for South San Jose, off of Cottle Road and Great Oaks Parkway. They have just announced that Marshalls will be a 23,000 sqft anchor tenant in the complex, which will have over 300,000 sqft of retail. There will also be a massive 140,000 sqft Target, a Safeway, Ulta Beauty, Chase Bank, Total Woman Gym & Spa, Five Guys, and Panera Bread, and several other tenants.

The smaller tenants will be arranged along a narrow street, making the project more walkable and Downtownish (think Rivermark in Santa Clara). I can't say that I'm terribly excited about the tenant list so far, but at least the configuration should be good and the new neighborhood--which also includes 2,900 housing units--will be accessible by transit.

Source: SVBJ

Monday, March 11, 2013

Little Italy San Jose is Getting an Italian Coffee Shop!

The good news train for Downtown San Jose continues to get longer and longer. Last week Little Italy San Jose announced a new tenant to join Paesano Ristorante Italiano in Downtown's newest district. Bel Bacio Imported Italian Coffee is going to be serving up premium coffee roasted all the way in Messina Sicily. I'm expecting this coffee to be phenomenal and set a new bar for coffee Downtown.

Soon we should also have news on the Little Italy San Jose sign that will be put up on Julian and an exciting project involving more than just retail in the neighborhood (hint: it will be a mixed-use development). There's a lot to look forward to, can't wait to see what Little Italy will look like within a year or two and I'm already itching to try out Bel Bacio!


Huge News for Little Italy San Jose!!

We are thrilled to announce the signing of Bel Bacio Imported Italian Coffee to
Little Italy San Jose. Little Italy's own Debbie Caminiti and her brother Dan
Buttitta will be serving authentic Premium Italian coffee roasted in Messina

Bel Bacio will be a welcome addition to Paesano Ristorante and The Sabatino
Memorial family resource center. We are very happy for Debbie and Dan and know
that their business will be a social gathering place for the Italian community.

Buona Fortuna!!!

Joshua DeVincenzi Melander
Executive Director Little Italy San Jose

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Cookbook for Special Diets Featured in San Jose

The "Finally... Food I Can Eat!" cookbook is going to be featured as part of the I Can Do It Conference in San Jose, March 16-18th. It seems like most of my friends have at least one food allergy (I have one myself) and I know quite a few people that have Celiac Disease, are diabetic, or are lactose intolerant. This is a cookbook that specifically caters to those with food allergies. You can find more information below and the book is available through all of the standard channels such as Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

About the Book

Are you frustrated and overwhelmed with trying to prepare meals that are free of
wheat, yeast, eggs, dairy, gluten, soy, corn, and sugar?

Are you tired of being on a “special diet”? Why don’t the recipes you make taste

Well, here is the cookbook for you! It contains:

• Easy, delicious recipes that will appeal to everyone in the family—and your guests
will never know they are eating allergen-free food.
• A useful introduction and guide to food allergies and intolerances
• A quick guide to natural food chemicals, food additives, food families, and
rotation diets.
• Substitutions and alternatives to common foods that you need to avoid.
• Recipes that are low in sugar and cholesterol and are great for those following
diabetic, candida, allergy-free, or heart-smart diets.

“This cookbook is so well thought out that it likely will inspire the reader to make
these tempting recipes. Shirley has found many creative ways of bringing all kinds
of healthy food into the daily diet, with lots of good ideas on how to combine
—Dr. Jennifer Armstrong, MD, associate of American Academy of Environmental

“Shirley’s gluten-free, blueberry muffins are my favourite, they’re the best.”
—Sophia age 7

About the Author

Shirley Plant has studied in the field of nutrition for many years. Diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and multiple food and environmental allergies, Shirley understands firsthand the difficulties of trying to plan creative, nutritious, and affordable menus while having to avoid such common foods as wheat, dairy, eggs, corn, gluten, and sugar, just to name a few. But through understanding, education, and a keen interest to help people find
food alternatives to fit into their life schedules, Shirley has developed an expertise and reputation in dietary design, customized recipes, and menu-planning.
For more information, please visit