Tuesday, July 10, 2012

New Interactive Directory Premiers at Santana Row

This year is Santana Row's 10 Year Anniversary. In honor of the occasion, they are planning a few "upgrades."

Santana Row is the very first Northern California location to launch a next-gen outdoor touchscreen directory. In fact, this may be the best outdoor touchscreen available anywhere. Think of this as a giant 46" HD iPad with an interactive map, way-finding (navigation), and constantly updated SR events. It's also fan-less, weather-sealed, and designed for use in direct sunlight.

The technology and programming powering the massive touchscreen was actually developed in San Jose by Array Interactive. To check it out for yourself, just head over to Santana Row between Sino and Left Bank. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

San Jose is Getting a US Patent Office!

In 2010 a staggering 10,074 patents were filed in the San Jose metro area, far more than any other region in the United States. By comparison, the New York metro (with 8 times the population of San Jose) only filed 6,383 patents. San Francisco came in 3rd place with 6,290 patents.

What is crazy, is that anyone who wants to meet with their patent examiner has to fly to the sole US Patent Office in Virgina. To top it off, there is a three year backlog on processing patents. Finally, last year it was decided that the US Patent Office would start opening satellite offices. Out of 600 applications, San Jose was one of the few areas chosen for one of these offices -- although based on the numbers above I think this should have been a no-brainer.

The end result is that Silicon Valley innovators will be able to file and process their patents faster, more conveniently, and at a lower cost. The office will open in 2 years and employ 150-200 patent examiners, which will likely specialize in technology. Sounds like a huge win for San Jose.

Source: KQED, SJBJ

Sunday, July 8, 2012

History San José Hosts Series of Family Days: Gold Rush Day on July 15 Launches Series

San José, CA – June 18, 2012  – Summer is a good time to have an adventure, and History Park will provide the backdrop. Gold Rush Adventure Day will allow families to be a ‘49er for a day---as in the original gold rushers of 1849---Sunday, July 15 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

There will be family activities, including panning for gold, cowboy grub (food available for purchase) and good old-fashioned music. Other activities will include the hand car, trolley rides, pony express relay and the Wells Fargo Stage Coach will be available for photo opportunies.

The second of the series of Family Days will be on Sunday, August 12, Happy Birthday Car 124!, a celebration of Trolley #124’s 100th birthday party. This signature red trolley will be running on its track, there will be a horse car, and hand-car rides will be available. The newly-acquired caboose will also be featured. Vintage vehicles on display will include fire engines, an electric car, and Model T’s.

There will be choo choo crafts for the kids, live music featuring the Peninsula Banjo Band. And what a birthday party! Even the San Jose Giants will celebrate. Party-goers can stay, picnic and watch the fireworks after the baseball game. Food typical of the Gay Nineties will be available for purchase.

The following week, Sunday, August 19, is the annual Fandango at Peralta Adobe, in the heart of the new San Pedro Square Market.

This date is signifant in that it commemorates the death 161 years ago of Maria Luis Peralta. He was the Californio who lived in the Peralta Adobe with his family, and was one of the first Accolades (mayor) of Pueblo de San Jose de Guadalupe.

Typical of that era, there will be music and dancing, as well as a descedant of the original horses that were brought by the Spanish explorers.

On Saturday, October 13 the last in the series of Family Days, is Filipino-American Heritage Day, celebrating Filipino American Month and to honor the current exhibit, Through My Father’s Eyes. That celebration will include filipino foods, dancing and music, and other activities.

The series of Family Days at History Park is supported, in part, by a Cultural Affairs grant from the City of San José.

Upcoming events include:
·      Haunt History Park, safe trick-or-treating, on October 28;
·      Happy Birthday San Jose! At the Peralta Adobe and Fallon House at the San Pedro Square Market on Sunday, November 18;
·      Children’s Holiday Festival with Santa Claus at History Park on Saturday, December 8;
·      the Heritage Holiday Tea is on December 1 at the Fallon House.

General admission is $8 per adult, $5 for seniors and students with a valid ID and children under five are free. Admission is free to members of History San Jose.

For more information call 408 918-1047 or visit www.historysanjose.org

   # # #

About History San José:
History San José is a non-profit organization that collects, preserves and celebrates the stories of diversity and innovation in San José and the Santa Clara Valley. HSJ manages one of the largest and most comprehensive regional history collections in the State of California, from 1784 Spanish governmental records to twenty-first century Silicon Valley technology.
History San José     1650 Senter Road     San José, CA  95112       408.287.2290

Saturday, July 7, 2012

MetroMarks Features The San Jose Blog

MetroMarks is a city-based bookmarking platform and travel companion featuring links to city guides, news, and local events. They have recently added a section for San Jose and lo and behold, The San Jose Blog is sitting in their very first slot! The icing on the cake is that my favorite local blogs are there as well. Have a look over here.

Friday, July 6, 2012

San Jose Taiko shares ‘playdate’ process for Rhythm Spirit 2012 Concerts

San José, CA --- June 18, 2012 --- San Jose Taiko draws inspiration from the digitally-driven Silicon Valley for its “Rhythm Spirit 2012” production September 21 and 22. The company will be at an exciting new venue this year: the School of Arts and Culture at the Mexican Heritage Plaza. SJT will also partner with the Zero1 Festival to explore the art form of taiko through the medium of digital expression. The production can already be enjoyed by audiences, as SJT shares the process of merging the traditional with the technological. 

“We hosted a number of ‘playdates’ with specialists in various technological and scientific fields with the intent of bringing the audience along on this journey.  The playdates are meant to be freeform idea jam sessions, where we explore possibilities without fear of failure or worrying about whether it would fit into a typical San Jose Taiko production,” explains Artistic Director Franco Imperial.

“We’ve tried to use true play as a way to create and explore.  From the ideas generated at these sessions, we will choose a few that resonate with us and will continue to develop them.  CreaTV and 1stACT will help us document these sessions, which will be shared with our audiences through social media and during our September concerts.  By the time any audience member steps into the theater in September, they will have an idea of what it took to create a particular piece.  We feel the entire audience experience will be enhanced because of this.”

To date, playdate topics have included the sonification of seismic data and use of the Xbox360 Kinect Sensor.  Idea partners range from PhDs from the USGS (United States Geological Survey) in Madison, Wisconsin to the software hacking community in San Francisco.

Executive Director Wisa Uemura adds, “Zero1 has been an amazing thought-partner in the early stages of this concept.  This year, we’ll be presenting our concert program differently than we have in the past – we will be speaking to the process and actually allowing audience members to come onstage to experience the technology.  Our hope is to provide a more interactive and engaging experience.”

There are three performances of Rhythm Spirit 2012: Friday, September 21 at 8:00 p.m. and Saturday, September 22 at 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. All shows will be held at the School of Arts and Culture at the Mexican Heritage Plaza, 1700 Alum Rock Avenue, San Jose, CA 95116.

Tickets are $25 for adults and $20 for students and seniors if purchased in advance ($30/$25 at the door).  All seats are reserved, and group rates are available. Ticket information is available by visiting www.taiko.org or by calling 408-293-9344.

# # #

About San Jose Taiko:

San Jose Taiko, with a deep respect of cultural traditions and a commitment to artistic excellence, is dedicated to the advancement of the taiko art form through the development of its world-class Performing Ensemble and the San Jose Taiko Conservatory. Located in the heart of Japantown of San Jose, the company performs throughout the Bay Area, the United States and abroad.

Since 1973, San Jose Taiko (SJT) has integrated this historical Japanese art form with other world rhythms. All compositions performed by SJT are written or arranged by members of the group. Composing, choreographing, designing and producing costumes, and handcrafting of the drums are part of the holistic process in which all members participate. Through this singleness of mind and spirit, harmony is achieved and the music rings with unity and clarity.

Enrich the human spirit. Connect people beyond cultural and demographic boundaries.
San Jose Taiko, 565 North 5th Street, San Jose, CA 95112    408 293 9344      taiko.org

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Gen110 Connects 1,200 South Bay Homes with Local Power

The solar energy market is continuing to gain traction in San Jose. Gen110 has recently issued a press release announcing that they have completed solar installations in over 1,200 South Bay homes. What is especially interesting is that one of those 1,200 is a Ida Perracci's house in Alum Rock. She decided to have solar installed on her 100th Birthday (!) ... I guess it's never too late to go green. Check out the full release below along with a photo of Ida.


Distributed energy leader helps 100-year-old San Jose customer save money with solar

San Jose, Calif., June 13, 2012 - Gen110, the leading distributed electricity company, today announced it has brought cost-effective distributed power to more than 1,200 households in the South Bay in the form of solar electricity. The company now powers more than 40 percent of solar installations in the San Jose metropolitan area, California’s third-biggest solar market.

Gen110’s approach helps energy-intensive households lock down higher-tier energy rates while avoiding rate hikes prevalent to South Bay power customers. By providing access to the best technologies and financing solutions available with a low upfront investment, Gen110 helps customers save approximately $50,000 over twenty years on their energy bill.

“Many South Bay residents don’t know they’re overpaying for energy, or that alternatives exist to help lower their bills. That’s where Gen110 comes in,” said Michael Abramovic, director of Gen110’s South Bay office. “Savvy South Bay customers have been quick to understand that our solution makes smart economic sense, and we’re pleased that so many have decided to replace their higher-tier energy use with distributed power.”

For many of the region’s retired residents living on fixed incomes, this spells opportunity: 100-year-old Ida Perracci of Alum Rock was one of the first to recognize its potential benefit to her wallet and the environment. Perracci signed on to install a Gen110 power plant on her home on the day of her centennial birthday party, locking into predictable energy rates starting now.

“You’re never too old to go solar,” said Perracci. “I’ve lived in Alum Rock for decades, and for the first time my electricity bill will stop going up. And while the price is right today, solar will continue to benefit my family for years to come.”

About Gen110

Gen110 is the leading distributed energy company providing a cost-effective, alternative
way for heavy energy users to purchase residential power. Gen110 has helped more
than 2,000 homeowners in California avoid utility rate hikes by producing approximately
13 gigawatt hours of electricity annually at their own homes. A private company based

in San Francisco, Gen110 was founded in 2009 to free customers from total dependence
on traditional utility companies. To learn more, visit gen110.com. You can also follow us
on Facebook (facebook.com/Gen110) and Twitter (twitter.com/gen_110).

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Free Chalk Art Workshop

from Phantom Galleries 

In preparation for the 5th annual Luna Park Chalk Art Festival on September 22, 2012, there will be a FREE chalk art workshop featuring 3D chalk art with expert street painters Wayne and Cheryl Renshaw.

To register, email info[at]lunaparkchalkart[dot]org

Workshop will take place on July 8th, 3-5pm at the Joyce Ellington Library, 491 E. Empire St., San José, CA 95112

Happy 4th of July San Jose!

The closest thing to an official fireworks show we have this year is happening at the San Jose Giants stadium around 9:30pm. If you are a History San Jose member, you can watch the fireworks for free from within their venue. You might also be allowed to watch for free at Kelley Park next to History San Jose.

Hope you all have a fun and safe 4th!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Santana Row July 2012 Happenings

Events, Promotions, New Openings at Silicon Valleyʼs Premier Destination

San Jose, CA (June 19, 2012) - Summer is in full swing at Santana Row with music, shopping specials, stimulating activities for children and a festive way to wile away the day before fireworks begin on the 4th of July. Slated for July: Flavors of Jazz, July 4th Summer Block Party, Mommy & Me, Opera San Jose on Bastille Day and the opening of kate spade new york.

Flavors of Jazz, every Tuesday, July 3-August 28
The popular Flavors of Jazz series returns in July for a fifth season of cool music and tasty
international cuisine. On Tuesday evenings in July and August, Santana Row restaurants will
host free live performances by local jazz musicians on their outdoor patios. The series includes
a wide range of styles, from traditional and contemporary jazz to funk and Brazilian beats.

July 3: Kristen Strom Trio, contemporary jazz/saxophone, Thea Mediterranean Cuisine
The Sandra Aran Duo, staight ahead/jazz vocals, Left Bank Brasserie
July 10: Primary Colors, jazz and blues vocals, Village California Bistro and Yankee Pier
July 17: Brian Ho Duo, funky jazz, B3 Organ, The Counter; Rick Vandivier Duo, modern and
Latin jazz/guitar, El Jardin Tequila Bar
July 24: Amy Dabalos Trio, straight ahead jazz/vocals, LB Steak; Pamela Rose B-3 Organ Trio,
straight ahead jazz/vocals, Hot Tamales
July 31: Anton Schwartz Trio, straight ahead jazz/saxophone, Rosie McCannʼs Irish Pub &
Restaurant; Gus Kambeitz Duo, straight ahead jazz/keys, Left Bank Brasserie
August 7: Wally Schnalle 4tet, jazz fusion/drums, Village California Bistro and Yankee Pier
August 14: Hristo Vitchev Trio, modern jazz/guitar, Thea Mediterranean Cuisine; Mads Tolling,
straight ahead jazz/violin, Vintage Wine Bar
August 21: Jessica Johnson Band, jazz and R&B/vocals, Cielo Wine Bar, Hotel Valencia;
Ed Johnson Duo, Brazilian jazz and guitar/vocals, El Jardin Tequila Bar
August 28: Mark Arroyo Trio, jazz fusion/guitar, Hot Tamales; Laila Smith Trio, straight ahead
jazz/vocals, LB Steak

When: Tuesday evenings, 7 to 9 p.m., July 3-August 28 on the patio of the various restaurants.
The performances are free.

Celebrating the Fourth of July with a Summer Block Party, Sidewalk Sales and
Tasty Samples, July 4
Santana Row invites the public to celebrate Independence Day with a Summer Block Party that
includes food, fashion and fun.

Stroll The Row and check out the Fourth of July events which include an outdoor barbeque in
Park Valencia cooked up by The Counter, samples of yummy refreshments offered by the
restaurants and a day-long sidewalk sale featuring hundreds of rolling racks with sale
merchandise from The Blue Jeans Bar, Ted Baker, Cole Haan, Free People, Flying Lizard
Designs, BCBG Max Azria, Spazio, Pink Stripes, Urban Outfitters and more. Shoppers can
browse the sidewalk sale racks or venture into the stores for more discounts, food, beverage
and beauty product samples and special treats such as complimentary mini touch-ups at Wʼs
Salon, mimosas at Flying Lizard and wine tasting at St. Croix.

When: The festivities will be held from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednesday, July 4. The Counterʼs
barbeque is offered from noon to 5 p.m. in the park where diners can enjoy their $2 mini burgers
(beef or vegetarian) while listening to live music.

Mommy & Me on the Row, Into the Wild, July 10
Mommy & Me in July goes to the birds with The Happy Birds, amazing performances by friendly,
colorful parrots, The Container Store gift card drawing, Peetʼs Coffee & Tea raffle, balloon
animals, face painting and more. Treat little ones to a mini manicure at Lavande Nail Spa,
sample frozen yogurt from Pinkberry and complimentary beverages and fruit snacks at The
Blues Jean Bar. A live performance by Andy Z begins the morning, delighting kids and kids-atheart
with his musical adventures. Dress in favorite animal costumes for the Childrenʼs
Discovery Museum “Wild Animal” games.

When: 10 a.m. to noon on Tuesday, July 10 at Park Valencia. Mommy & Me is a free kidsʼ club
held on the second Tuesday of every month from May through December. For more information,
call 408.551.4611 or visit www.SantanaRow.com.

Opera San Jose and Bastille Day, July 14
Opera San Jose performs a spectacular al fresco concert of French arias and ensembles to
celebrate Bastille Day. The company will present selections from Bizetʼs Carmen and The Pearl
Fishers, which opens Opera San Joseʼs new season in September. Also on the schedule is

Gounodʼs Faust, Straussʼ Die Fledermaus, Verdiʼs Il trovatore and Pucciniʼs Suor Angelica and
Gianni Schicchi.

Principal artists from the 2012-13 season resident ensemble: Melody King (soprano), Cecilia
Violetta Lopez (soprano), Nicole Birkland (mezzo-soprano), Alexander Boyer (tenor), James
Callon (tenor), Zachary Altman (baritone), Evan Brummel (baritone) and Silas Elash (bass).

When: 7 p.m., Saturday, July 14 at Santana Row Park, across from Left Bank Brasserie. For
more information about Opera San Jose, visit www.operasj.org.

Extras: Spend $250 in a single day at Santana Row and receive free tickets to The Pearl
Fishers, playing Sept. 8-23 at the California Theatre in downtown San Jose. Bizetʼs exotic
romance is set on the tropical island of ancient Ceylon. To redeem, guests must present their
same day receipts at the Santana Row Concierge Center.

kate spade new york opens, July 19
kate spade new york, the upscale boutique, makes its San Jose debut on Santana Row. The
2,319 square foot shop will showcase the brandʼs witty and playfully sophisticated signature
apparel and accessories, including handbags, shoes, dresses, outerwear, hats, luggage,
glasses, paper products and home. kate spade new york on Santana Row is the retailerʼs only
San Jose location. It is located at 355 Santana Row next to Hotel Valencia.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Review: Bill W. and Dr Bob @ the San Jose Rep

Bill W. and Dr. Bob 6: (l to r) Bill Wilson (Ray Chambers) and Dr. Bob Smith (Robert Sicular) meet and talk for the first time in what is now known as the first A.A. meeting in San Jose Rep’s West Coast premiere of Bill W. and Dr. Bob.

Last week I attended Opening Night for the San Jose Repertory's last show of the 2011-2012 season, Bill W. and Dr. Bob. It is based on the true story of the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous and their wives. Usually I lean toward musicals however, the subject matter was intriguing and ultimately drew me in. 

When I arrived at the press desk I chatted a bit about the show with Laura (Marketing Manager for the Rep) and Elisabeth (PR contact). Laura mentioned the set design and that there was an interesting element to it. Now, set design is one of the things I really like to focus on at any kind of show, so I was already intrigued. Then she added, with a smile, that I should try to count the number of bottles the set designers put in the scenes.

After my guest and I found our seats, I glanced up at the set and immediately understood what Laura was hinting at. Let's just say there were quite a few bottles to count. You really should see it. I'm sure you could just check out the media photos on the Rep's website (the one I used above for example) … but it's better to just see it in person, mmkay?

The show… wow. Literally as the show ended, I turned to my friend and after a moment, blinked and slightly shook my head and said "wow." The show is moving and holds your interest all the way through. It deals the battle with alcohol the two men have in their lives, the wear and tear it does to their relationships, and the struggles they have internally about their disease and the deep-down honest want for healing they both seek. I've never been to a show with such a powerful and moving story. And to know it's a true story makes it all the more amazing, really.

A quick breakdown of elements:

The actors portraying Bill W. and Dr. Bob are fantastic. I was particularly mesmerized by the acting of Ray Chambers (Bill W.) -- from the powerful anger-fueled outbursts to the sly, humorous moments, glances and comedic timing - he was fantastic.

Two of the actors, Cindy Goldfield and Mike Ryan, were amazing! They'd run off stage to dress up as yet again another character. Mike Ryan played about 11 different characters throughout the show. Insane!

Set Design:
Like I mentioned earlier in my post, the main set features some bottles, of which you just have to see it in person. It's a unique way to decorate the set. The rest of it involved moving pieces, a dining room table, or living room chairs float out from the sides of the stage when needed. Since storyline and acting is the main focus, the set design helps to remind you the setting without overpowering the scene.

Costume Design:
In general the costumes for the men were pretty typical of the era. Stylish suits and even an argyle sweater (think old-school golfing style) were nice, but the one thing that stood out the most to me…. the women's SHOES.

I want to own all of them. The blue and white heels Lois wears in a few scenes were so adorable! Another pair, worn by Hen, were off-white with periwinkle blue tips. I have always loved the clothing of that era and while the dresses were not necessarily great in terms of the fabric patterns, they felt very true to life. Espeically for the Wilsons, they did not have a lot of money so fabric wasn't going to be super fancy designs. Anyway, that's my take on it at least.


If you've ever been curious about what Alcohol Anonymous is and how it came to be, this is a show for you. Get a little history lesson in. There's some humor, some sadness, and hope throughout the entire show. If you or someone you know has battled alcohol addiction, I'm sure you'll find it just as interesting and accurate. 

Some observations about the audience reactions; when Bill, after a short sober period, opts to take a shot in celebration of Armistice Day, the audience gasped with exasperation. He was clearly fighting the idea, but couldn't resist temptation. Toward the end, during a few particularly moving scenes (I've never seen an actor on stage really cry, but I suppose sitting so close to the stage helped), during the quiet moments you can hear the audience sniffling. No doubt there were many people in attendance that have gone through similar situations - whether as the one who has/is battling such a disease or a loved one who has been on the other side.

I've only read one other review so far. That particular reviewer said the show wasn't "life-changing", and while yes everyone has different experiences... I just can't help but feel that because of so many eye-opening, dramatic, and emotional moments this story has that one can walk away not feeling moved.


June 21 - July 15, 2012
by Samuel Shem & Janet Surrey
directed by Richard Seer

This quick-witted and honest docu-drama follows two dynamic and dedicated men who, in the midst of their battle with acute and debilitating alcoholism, formed a formidable and historic alliance to help others combat the same addiction. Bill Wilson, a stockbroker who crashed with the stock market, finds himself in a bar. He could have pursued any number of distractions–a game of solitaire, reading a book–instead he chose to make a phone call. Through an astonishing series of events and bitter humor comes the inspiring, true story of the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous and their wives.