art work by Nicole Dornsife
People-Shaped Animals
Concurrent with the annual Further Confusion convention in downtown San Jose, KALEID Gallery hosts a collection of work from artists participating in the furry subculture coordinated by Brian Root.
The furry crowd's roots are in indie comics and scifi/fantasy illustration, with a huge volume of art produced that's rarely seen outside of the convention's doors.
The central theme of the show is anthropomorphism in animal illustration - whether that's in cartooning, folklore, wildlife illustration, or fantasy art, the unifying thread is that all of the contributors to this show find something in making pictures of animals that speaks to them.
art work by ZD
Participating Artists:
Ginger Cooley
Kris Jaques
Mandi Tremblay
Marilyn Cole
Erin Middendorf
Christina Hanson
Miguel Angel Garcia
Roz Gibson
Jessica O'Black
Nicole Dornsife
Barbara Utzinger
Sarah Finnigan
Brendan Cunningham
Claudya Schmidt
Growly Lobita
Laura Garabedian
Brian Root
Exhibition Dates: Thursday, January 12th through Sunday, January 15th.
Exhibition Hours: Thursday, Friday, Saturday Noon -7pm, Sunday Noon - 5pm
88 South Fourth Street (at San Fernando)
Downtown San Jose
(408) 947-1785