Thursday, January 20, 2011

Urban Land Institute South Bay Night FREE EVENT 2011

from The Bay Area Real Estate Blog 

myuli night 2011 resized 600
This is going to be a great event - we hope to see you there!
Please join us for the 2nd Annual South Bay MyULI Nite, a special evening designed to connect you with the District Council leadership of the South Bay for the Urban Land Institute. (
  • WHENThursday, January 27, 2011; 5:30pm - 7:30pm
  • WHEREMoffett Towers Club, 1080 Enterprise Way, Sunnyvale, CA
  • COSTFREE to all members and prospective members
  • ** Cocktails & Appetizers Provided
  • Register @ or call 800.321.5011
  • Matt Lituchy, Managing Director, Jay Paul Company
  • Drew Hudacek, Senior Vice President, Sares-Regis Group
  • Nevena Vidic, UBS Realty Investors
As a member-led organization, we encourage all members to take part in a way that best suits their specific interests and unique goals. Come hear first hand from a distinguished group of South Bay ULI leaders, sharing how ULI has made a difference in their professional lives. Following the presentation, participants will have the opportunity to learn more about our committees and how you can plug in to one of the fastest growing District Councils in the country.
Hosted & sponsored by Jay Paul Company and Barry Swenson Builder

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dishcrawl Comes To Downtown San Jose!!!

I love this concept! A Dishcrawl let's you experience cuisines from multiple restaurants in a single night and make some new friends in the process. They have been doing it in New York, LA, Montreal, and now Downtown San Jose. The 4 venues participating are some of my favorites... The Mmoon, Ruffled Feathers Eatery, The WOW Silog Truck, and Psycho Donuts. All are family owned, have launched in the past year, and feature killer eats. For more info and to get your tickets, just keep on reading!

Reserve your Exclusive Seats

With our launch of Dishcrawl San Jose, Dishcrawl brings you a brand new way to discover San Jose!

Have you heard? New downtown San Jose restaurants have been popping up left and right!

Discover a new downtown San Jose with us and mingle with other food lovers like yourself! It's a great way to rediscover the community and re-blossom into the new year.

We'll be visiting the likes of The Mmoon for argentinian empanadas, Ruffled Feathers for housemade flatbread pizza and specialty desserts, Psycho Donuts for crazy whacky donuts, and The Wow Truck, a new food truck in San Jose will be stopping by to serve us up! You can't miss it!

4+ dishes will be sampled around the city with us (Dishcrawl) as your guides on an unforgettable journey.

Reserve your tickets quickly- we sell out fast!

dishcrawl is the first matchmaker for your mouth. Create a taste profile and easily discover dishes in local restaurants that match your mouth. Dishcrawl currently serves San Francisco, Silicon Valley/San Jose, Los Angeles, Montreal, and New York! Simply visit

Click here for other upcoming dishcrawls, and check out past dishcrawls here.

 Find us on Facebook.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Two Buck Tuesdays Tomorrow ($2 Art!)

Two Buck Tuesday Jan 18th at KALEID!

KALEID Gallery presents
Two Buck Tuesday January 18th 7-9pm
Happy 2011!

Our monthly $2 art sale and quirky people coming-together event is back for the new year and we have tons of goodies for you!

J. Marie Valdivia & Mike Dvorkin of Surgery.Art (along with several of their participating artists) will host a Q&A about their current show “Dark Matter” at KALEID Gallery.

The Samurai, sculpture by Matthew Pugh

Joe Decker will demonstrate how to photograph paintings and other artwork, talking about lighting and filtering issues, avoiding reflections, getting the color right, and coping with digital issues. There may also be a rant about metallic paint.

photo by Joe Decker

Reiji Hirayama will teach us how shoes are made, how to identify quality shoes and will give a demo on how to properly clean leather shoes to make them last. Bring a pair of shoes (non-lacquered or patent calf, bull or horse leather shoes in Black, Brown, Tan, Grey, Burgundy, Red, Navy, Purple, Heather) to participate!
Richard James will talk about his love of collage and the endless possibilities presented by the art form.

Michael Denning will teach a workshop on how to make art trading cards. Make your own art cards for $2!

Shannon Amidon will give a live demonstration of encaustic painting and mixed media techniques. Encaustic is a paint composed of beeswax, damar resin and pigments. Encaustic painting was practiced by Greek artists as far back as the 5th century B.C.!


Lisa Mejia will create beautiful henna designs for a small fee.

Sonoma Walden Pond will host a vegan tea complete with cucumber sandwiches!

J Swizza will spin some sweet indie records.

David Mejia will be drawing portraits while you wait.

Marilyn Rowe will be recruiting yarnbombers.

Insane Craft Posse will hold a surprise crafting workshop!

Live Painting By:
Kimy Martinez
Erikka Hugger
Jehoiakim Santos
Steven Reece
Jimmy Oliver Halverson
Jean Davis
Jo Anne Yada
Laura Callin Bennett

This event if FREE & all ages welcome!

KALEID Gallery
88 South 4th Street
Downtown San Jose
(408) 947 1785

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Mosaic Portraiture Workshop at Higher Fire Ceramics

from Phantom Galleries 

Higher Fire is hosting a Mosaic Portraiture Workshop with Delaine Hackney. What a fabulous way to honor a loved one, be they pet or person. Typical finished size for each student's project is 12" x 14". This fun-filled workshop is designed for beginners and continuing students.

Two Saturdays, 10am - 4pm, Jan. 22 & 29, 2011

Instructor Delaine Hackney helps students create a realistic, texture rich, colorful and whimsical mosaic portrait made with ceramic and glass. Each student's portrait project (based on photo submitted before class) will strongly resemble their subject! Class includes lecture and demonstration on how to translate a photo into a mosaic template, use of basic mosaic tools and techniques. (visit for more info.)

Registration fee of $180 includes all materials and tools.
Photograph of subject must be submitted at least 10 days prior to class.
Register online at (click on Workshops --> Schedules & Pricing).

Call or email for more details:
Dan Dermer
Higher Fire Clayspace & Gallery
499 South Market Street
San Jose, CA 95113

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The 88 Interactive Art Codes

One of my favorite art projects downtown is the LED light installation at The 88. It happens to be completely dynamic and interactive. Have you ever wanted to change the way a high-rise looks with a push of a button? All you need to do is dial (408) 287-0128, wait for the tone, then enter any 3 digits (including # or *), then press 0 and hang up.

Here are the codes I was able to find online so far:

*25 - Xmas Dance
*14 - Valentine's Day Beat
*88 - The 88
*** - Ship's Wheel
168 - Green with Red Bolt
182 - Happy
193 - Rainbow Chase
194 - RGB Down
197 - Rainbow Sweep
228 - Yellow Sweep
268 - Brackets Out
311 - Cyan Sweep
323 - Red Pulse
341 - Slow Easter Sweep
486 - Arrows Going Down
555 - Green Warp
666 - Bright Red
526 - Red with Blue Sweep
541 - Easter Sweeps
565 - Green Pulse
766 - Snow Falling
919 - Blue Flutter
927 - Mom's B-Day
931 - Rainbow Left to Right

My favorite is one I discovered on my own: *#*  I won't spoil what this one does!

If anyone knows of any others, I would be happy to add them to the list =)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Phantom Galleries: Variety Show & Poetry Slam

The Oversocial MoFo Revue_Jan. 14th

Save the date! The third installment of the Oversocial Mofo Revue is pleased to present the poetry of Laura Yes Yes, musical guest Emerald Hill, and burlesque with a twist from the lovely Laika Fox.
Note that this is the Women of the World Poetry Slam (WOWPS) qualifier. That means the highest scoring female poet earns the right to represent San Jose at WOWPS 2011. It also means ALL LADIES get a discount at the door.
More details will be posted soon, or visit the Facebook event page here.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

SoFA is Getting a New Gallery in Time for February's First Friday!

Call for Art at new Pho69 in SoFA District

Phantom Galleries will be coordinating on-going art exhibitions at the newest SoFA District restaurant PHO69 (located next door to Caffe Trieste). The restaurant has been getting great Yelp reviews since their opening last month with special mentions of their contemporary decor, great food and friendly staff. It's just missing your art on their large spacious walls!

We are looking for large scale contemporary art work that will add to their overall ambiance and customer experience. Exhibition duration will be 2-3 months (yet to be determined) and will be a participating venue in the South First Fridays monthly art walks. Art may be available for sale.

Art work will hang from a professional hanging system that the restaurant installed (no screws/nails in the walls.) Hanging areas are: (2) 20' wide x 6' tall and (2) 12' wide x 6' tall.

To be considered for exhibition, please email 5-7 jpgs (sized no larger than 900 pixels wide at 72dpi), with short bio and exhibit history toinfo[at]

We'd like to start their exhibitions by First Friday February 4th, so please respond soon if you're interested.

Feel free to pass this opportunity onto other artists you feel would be a good fit!

For more information, contact us at

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesday Wishlist: San Jose Marina

Few people know that San Jose actually has direct access to the bay though Alviso. In 2010, we received some water access for small boats and kayaks, but in theory the area could support a full blown marina or port. Imagine one day taking a ferry ride from San Jose to other parts of the bay!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

San Jose seen as #1 US Rental Market

There's an interesting article in the San Jose Business Journal saying rental pricing is expected to go up in 2011, and San Jose is expected to be the "best performing" for the year. By best performing, they means rents will likely go up the highest out of all markets in the US. San Jose currently has 97.1% rental occupancy and that is forecasted to rise to 97.7% in 2011. That in turn is expected to drive rents up 9.6% this year. Sounds like it's a good time to put up some shiny new apartment buildings. Click here to read the full article.

BTW, happy 1/11/11 day.