Showing posts with label silicon valley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label silicon valley. Show all posts

Saturday, June 8, 2024

2024 Silicon Valley Index

The Joint Venture Silicon Valley Index has been providing insights on our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for over 25 years. It provides an honest and holistic view of life in Silicon Valley. You can download the 2024 Silicon Valley Index over here.

Have a quick look at the comparison between Silicon Valley and San Francisco in the image below. Here are some of my notes from the key findings:
  • We're growing again with 11,300 new Silicon Valley residents last year.
  • VC dollars going into AI have risen 220% year-over-year. Generative AI represented 44% of all 2023 VC investments in AI companies.
  • Silicon Valley just had four IPOs last year. San Francisco had one.
  • We're still generating more patents by far than any other place in the nation. San Jose is the top city in the nation yet again for patent filing.
  • Silicon Valley's 20 largest tech companies were 7% smaller at the end of 2023 than than the previous year, but employment in tech still ended up being 37,000 employees more than pre-pandemic figures. Tech is now 28% of the workforce.
  •  If wealth was evenly distributed in Silicon Valley, it would amount to $2 million per household.
  • Silicon Valley's population continues to age, with those over 65 years old up by 32% since 2012 and the number of children down by 13% over the same period.
  • The number of births each year in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties has declined steadily since the 1990s, dropping by 33% over 33 years.
  • 51% of Silicon Valley speaks a language other than English at home
  • The two largest office projects in Silicon Valley last year were both in Downtown San Jose, 200 Park (965,342 SQFT) and Adobe's 4th Tower (700,000 SQFT). The 3rd largest was a 350,000 SQFT building in South San Francisco.
  • Silicon Valley childcare costs have quadrupled over the past 20 years, rising twice as fast as regional inflation.
  • There were no unhealthy air days in the past three years, showing an improvement in air quality.
  • Total solar capacity increased sixfold over the past decade, from 174 MW in 2013 to 983 MW in 2023. Batter storage grew twentyfold in the past 5 years.
  • Gasoline and Diesel sales have steadily declined and are still 19% below pre-pandemic levels (presumably due to EV sales)
  • 17% of all Californian EV charging outlets are in Silicon Valley, over 5,000 in Santa Clara County alone.
  • Life expectancy is several years higher in Silicon Valley versus California or the United States.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

2023 Silicon Valley Index

The Joint Venture Silicon Valley Index has been providing insights on our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for over 25 years. It provides an honest and holistic view of life in Silicon Valley.

You can download the 2023 Silicon Valley Index over here.

Below are some of the key findings:

  • The region continued battling surges, but the COVID death rate per capita declined in 2022.
    • COVID-19 dropped to Silicon Valley’s sixth leading cause of death in 2022, down from third in 2021.
  • The region recovered from pandemic job losses by April 2022. Unemployment hit an historic low. Tech is becoming more highly concentrated.
    • Silicon Valley added 88,000 jobs between mid-2021 and mid-2022, a growth rate of 5.4%. An estimated 22,000 jobs were added in the second half of the year. The 30 largest firms account for 42 % of tech employment (19 % are at Google, Apple, and Meta alone).
  • The rise and fall of the stock market drove large shifts in venture funding and IPOs.
    • Pandemic-period stock market gains of nearly $9 trillion proved transitory as the market tumbled in 2022. Half of all venture capital flowing to Silicon Valley or San Francisco companies was in the form of megadeals ($24.7 billion spread across 116 megadeals).
  • Demand for commercial space is tempered by remote work, but specialized R&D space is hot.
    • Though remote work is shifting the dynamic, leasing activity remained strong throughout 2022. While there was a 45% increase in the number of lease agreements, the average amount of space per lease has sharply declined.
  • Remote work is increasing, creating extra capacity on roadways and decimating public transit.
    • The share of remote workers grew to 35% in 2022, up from 28% in 2021. Private commuter shuttles are being put out of service. Caltrain ridership fell to 4,100 daily riders, down from 67,000 (-92%). BART recovered 35% of its pre-pandemic riders.
  • Silicon Valley’s population is declining; the share of young people is also falling.
    • Silicon Valley’s population declined by 38,900 residents between mid-2020 and mid-2021, the highest figure ever recorded. The decline was due to a 74% rise in domestic outmigration, a reversal of the net flow of foreign immigrants (-103 %), declining birth rates, and rising death rates.
  • The pandemic and patterns of outmigration haven’t affected soaring home prices
    • Silicon Valley’s high home prices rose 7% in 2022, reaching a record-breaking median price of $1.53 million. The share of first-time homebuyers who can afford a median priced home fell to 27% and is as low as 14% for the region’s Black or African Americans and Hispanic or Latino residents.
  • Inflation outpaced income gains; assistance programs scale upwards
    • Increases in the regional Consumer Price Index since 2019 outpaced household income gains, resulting in a $550 decline in median household income in 2021. Childcare costs rose twice as quickly as the regional inflation rate since 2010 (+85%). Average wages vary significantly across racial and ethnic groups, with the largest disparity between Hispanic or Latino and White, not Hispanic or Latino residents.
  • Silicon Valley has the nation’s largest gaps, and they are increasing.
    • For the first time ever, ultra-high net worth households are included in regional wealth data. Through this lens, inequality is even more stark, with the top 0.001% of Silicon Valley’s households holding more wealth than the nearly 500,000 households in the bottom 50%.
    • In 2022 the top 10 % of Silicon Valley households hold 66% of the wealth; eight Silicon Valley households residents hold more wealth than that of the bottom 50% combined (nearly half a million households).
    • While income inequality was lessening in the state and nation (down 1 and 3%) it rose in Silicon Valley by 5% in 2021.
    • 28% of Silicon Valley households are below income-adequacy; those households include 42% of the region’s children. 42% of children in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties live in households that are not self-sufficient; the most influential factor for these households is the cost of childcare.
    • Income adequacy varies significantly by race and ethnicity. Among those most likely to live below Self-Sufficiency Standards are Hispanic or Latino non-citizens and those with limited English.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

2020 Silicon Valley Index

The Joint Venture Silicon Valley Index has been providing insights on our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for over 20 years. It provides an honest and holistic view of life in Silicon Valley, with the obvious exception that it was published before COVID-19. It's worth reading for a reminder of where we were at the start of 2020. We can use today's events as a chance to reflect on what we can do differently when we hopefully return to normalcy sometime later this year.

You can download the 2020 Silicon Valley Index over here.

Below are a few items that stood out for me:

  • We have had nine continuous years of expansion since the last recession, adding 821,000 jobs in the Bay Area.
  • Over that same time period, we only permitted 173,000 new homes and have 100,000 megacommuters [Josh: hopefully the option to work remotely continues for many post-COVID].
  • Labor productivity reached a record $241,000 per worker, a 53% increase from 2001.
  • Unemployment hit 2.1%, a 19-year low.
  • More people are leaving the region than coming in.
  • Home prices declined 6% in 2019, yet median home sale prices are still the highest in the country (over $1 million).
  • Income inequality hit a historic high with 13% of households holding 75% of the region's wealth.
  • Internet speeds are slow compared to SF, California, and the country as a whole [Josh: this is shocking for living in the middle of Silicon Valley].
  • Individual median income is $117,000 and 82% of the population is above 150% of the poverty level.
  • Silicon Valley's ethnic breakdown is 35% Asian, 33% White, 25% Hispanic/Latino, 5% Multiple/Other, and 2% Black/African American.
  • 24% of Silicon Valley residents have Graduate or Professional Degrees.
  • 51% of families speak a language other than English at home (vs. 41% for SF, 45% for California, and 22% for the US).
  • The Bay Area has by far the largest number of tech jobs and greatest % of people employed in tech out of any region in the US.
  • 9% of Silicon Valley Residents lack access to adequate food and nutrition
  • San Jose generates more patents than any other city in California (11% of all CA patents in fact).
  • In 2019, traffic delays cost as much as $3.4 billion in lost productivity for Silicon Valley workers.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Developer proposing a 10.5 million SQFT project in Santa Clara with a 50-story skyscraper!

The tallest project in Silicon Valley history was just proposed--to the Santa Clara City Council. While not in San Jose proper, this would have a tremendous impact on San Jose as it would push forward what is considered acceptable vertical development in the metro.

This behemoth project by Chinese developer Kylli would clock in at 3.5 million SQFT of office, 400,000 SQFT of Amenities, 6 million SQFT of residential (~6,000 units), 600,000 SQFT of retail, and around 8 acres of open space. As you can see from the drawing below, it would include nearly two dozen towers, with the tallest being a 50-story office building which at 600 feet would be twice as tall as anything in Downtown San Jose.

Despite totaling 10.5 million SQFT of development, it would utilize less than 50 acres at the former Yahoo campus. To put that in perspective, Related's 9.1 million SQFT mixed-use project across from Levi's Stadium will use 240 acres. What Kylli is proposing really should be the level of density we look towards in future projects if we plan to build enough housing to keep prices at bay and enable communities where you can work, live, and play without needing to drive.

While I would have much rather seen a project like this proposed for San Jose proper, I have to root for this to go forward and hopefully motivate our city to follow suit with similar projects. Google will be a gamechanger for Downtown, but we need to start looking at other parts of the city (not limited by the airport) where we have the opportunity to build extremely dense world-class villages. Think Bigger San Jose has a similar perspective on this project. This will surely be a proposal we'll keep close tabs on!

Source: SVBJ

Monday, October 17, 2016

San Jose Metro led the nation in economic growth for 2015!

Out of the 382 metros tracked by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, only 292 saw their economies grow in 2015. Of the 20 largest metros, guess which had the most growth.

The San Jose Metro grew its economy by an incredible 8.9% last year. This is miles away from the next city which is Houston at 4.6%. For all the buzz San Francisco got, they grew their economy by 4.1% last year, less than half of San Jose and putting them fifth on the list. New York barely made a dent at 1.7%.

What is even more impressive is that if you look at ALL 382 metros, including the smaller ones where it is easier to have big economic swings, San Jose still had the 2nd fastest growing economy in the US. Only Midland, TX with a population of 140k had a faster rate of growth.

The bubble chart below the grid shows economic performance versus the size of the metro (larger bubble = more population). San Jose is still performing like a fast-growing startup (hot small city) despite the fact the metro has 2 million people.

To paraphrase a Twain quote: the reports of Silicon Valley's death are greatly exaggerated. Every economy in the US would love to be where San Jose is today.

Source: CNBC, Hillrise from the San Jose Development Forum

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Starbird: super-premium fast food launches in Silicon Valley

Starbird is a restaurant with a very unique beginning as it was actually created by a restaurant consulting company. What better way to show your customers you know what you're talking about than to create your own restaurant from scratch and practice what you preach? They invited me to come and try out their food and I have been back there a couple times since.

I'm not a huge fan of fast food (Chick-Fil-A and The Habit are my two exceptions), but have to say that Starbird does an outstanding job. They use Petaluma Farms free-range chicken, organic eggs, fresh-baked bread, and they make all of their sauces in house. Despite the high-end ingredients, the prices are still reasonable and the food comes out quickly.

My favorite item so far is the Free Range Ranch sandwich--crispy chicken, slaw, bacon, pimento cheese, and Greek yogurt ranch. They also have chicken tenders (the maple aioli was my favorite dipping sauce), wraps with an international twist, salads, breakfast sandwiches, and a house made chocolate-dipped ice cream cone with crushed toffee or almonds.

The decor is impressive for fast food. Starbird really put in a high attention to detail inside and out. The interior was clean and modern with some nice features like the plants in the middle of a communal table. They have a nice patio with plenty of tables and creative lighting. I can't say the seating was super comfortable, but it's not supposed to be for fast food.

Starbird also baked in the latest tech available for restaurants. You can always see the status of your order by looking at a large flat-screen so theoretically they don't have to shout out names or numbers. There is even a smartphone app that allows you to order, park, and have the food delivered to your car (think drive-through 2.0). It really seems to embody everything you would expect from a new fast food restaurant launched in Silicon Valley--not just the tech but the quality of the food, atmosphere, and the desire to innovate as well as challenge people's perceptions of fast food.

The first Starbird is located at 1241 El Camino Real in Sunnyvale. The owners are planning to open 9 more locations in Silicon Valley. For more information, head over to the Starbird website.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Joint Venture 2015 Silicon Valley Index

Every year Join Venture puts out a Silicon Valley Index that discusses a variety of topics from the economy to governance and challenges that our region faces. There are always tons of interesting stats in these publications.

Lynn Peithman Stock from the SVBJ has a nice breakdown of how some Silicon Valley stats compare to San Francisco over the last year:

Silicon Valley new jobs: 57,591 (11k up from the previous year)
San Francisco new jobs: 18,499 (4k down from the previous year)

Silicon Valley new patents: 17,000
San Francisco new patents: 1,900

Silicon Valley IPOs: 23
San Francisco IPOs: 5

Silicon Valley startups: 8,600
San Francisco startups: 7,400

Click here to read the entire report (or scroll down for highlights). You can also watch the video briefing below.

Highlights of the 2015 Index include:
Jobs – The number of new jobs grew by 4.1 percent, bringing the region’s job total to nearly 1.5 million. Silicon Valley added 57,951 new jobs between Q2 2013 and Q2 2014; San Francisco added another 18,499 for a total of 76,450 in Silicon Valley and San Francisco.
Investment– Venture capital investments in Silicon Valley and San Francisco shot up, reaching $14.5 billion in the first three quarters of 2014 alone – more than in any other year since 2000. San Francisco’s share was $7.1 billion, a 68 percent spike over 2013. Cleantech venture capital investments increased dramatically as well in 2014, reaching an all-time high of nearly $3.3 billion.
IPOs/M&A – 23 of the 275 U.S. Initial Public Offerings in 2014 were by Silicon Valley companies, three more than the prior year. As of Q3 2014, Silicon Valley was on pace to reach 2013 merger and acquisition activity levels, while San Francisco exceeded the number of deals in 2013 in the first three quarters of 2014 alone. During that time period, there were 560 M&A deals involving Silicon Valley companies, and 403 involving San Francisco companies.
Innovation – The number of Silicon Valley patent registrations continued to rise, reaching 16,975 in 2013 (1,910 more than the previous year). The largest share (40 percent) of the patents was in Computers, Data Processing and Information Storage, with another 24 percent in Communications.
Population – The entire Silicon Valley region (including Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties, Fremont, Union City, Newark and Scotts Valley) grew by nearly 42,000 people between January 2013 and January 2014. During that period of time, Santa Clara County was the fastest growing county in the state at 1.5 percent – nearly twice the growth rate of the state as a whole (0.9 percent) – and a few Silicon Valley cities (Campbell, Milpitas, Foster City and Morgan Hill) grew three to four times faster than the state.
Income – Average annual earnings (including wages and supplements) in Silicon Valley and San Francisco as of Q2 2014 were $116,033 and $104,881, respectively, compared to $96,663 in the nine-County Bay Area, $70,847 in California and $61,489 in the United States. Median household income in 2013 in Silicon Valley was $94,534 and $79,778 in San Francisco.
Housing – Home prices and rental rates continued to rise in 2014, with a median home sale price of $757,585 (7.5 percent higher than 2013 and more than $360,000 higher than the median price throughout the state) and an average rental rate of $2,333 per month (11 percent higher than 2013) in Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties.
Commercial space – The amount of approved development hit skyscraper levels in FY 2013-14 to 12.9 million square feet – nearly twice the floor area of the Pentagon, the largest U.S. office building. This amount of net non-residential development is far more than any other year over the last decade, and is 2.6 million square feet more than the last peak in 2004.
Published annually since 1995, the Silicon Valley Index findings are reported in five major sections: People (talent flows and diversity); Economy (employment, innovation and entrepreneurship, commercial space, income); Society (preparing for economic success, early education, arts and culture, quality of health, safety); Place (environment, transportation, land use, housing); and Governance (city finances and civic engagement).
The 2015 Silicon Valley Index is accessible online at www.siliconvalleyindicators.organd may be downloaded from the Joint Venture website at
About Joint Venture Silicon Valley

Established in 1993, Joint Venture provides analysis and action on issues affecting the Silicon Valley economy and quality of life. The organization brings together established and emerging leaders—from business, government, academia, labor and the broader community—to spotlight issues, launch projects and work toward innovative solutions. For more information, visit

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Michael Mina's Bourbon Steak & Pub Now Open @ Levi's Stadium

This week marks the official opening of Michael Mina's second restaurant in Silicon Valley (Arcadia in the ground floor of the Downtown San Jose Marriott was the first). Bourbon Steak & Pub combines both a high-end steakhouse and a more relaxed Pub environment. The Pub will have 50 craft beers, farm-to-table cuisine, and 70 HDTVs for watching sporting events. On the other hand Bourbon Steak will offer a premium dining environment with Certified Prime Angus steaks, Japanese Wagyu, and Dry-Aged Duck. The restaurant will be open all year round and will have special events during game days.

For more information, scroll down for the full press release. You can make reservations over here.

Chef Michael Mina teams with the san Francisco 49ers to Bring Unique
dual-restaurant dining concept to Levi’s Stadium

Bourbon Steak & Pub to Welcome Bay Area Patrons Daily, Year-Round
for Lunch, Dinner and Viewing Parties

(SANTA CLARA, CA) – Bay Area culinary great Chef Michael Mina has unveiled Bourbon Steak & Pub at Levi’s Stadium®, a new concept in stadium dining. Bringing a high-end steakhouse and relaxed pub together under one roof, Bourbon Steak & Pub offers a range of dining experiences to suit the needs of sports fans, foodies, concert goers and local residents alike – seven days a week, all year long. Bourbon Steak & Pub is now accepting reservations beginning Aug. 11

Bourbon Pub will be the premier lunch, dinner and gameday destination offering the perfect space to kick back and cheer on your favorite teams while enjoying a variety of 50 craft beers and a vast menu filled with reinvented bar bites. Bourbon Pub will serve fresh, farm-to-table cuisine that reflects the spirit of a modern pub at affordable price points. With a focus on shareable dishes, featured menu items include Berkshire Pork Ribs, a Ecopia Farms Greens salad, the Bourbon Burger, Smokin’ Double Barrel Wagyu Dog, Crispy Flounder Fish & Chips and a 38 North Half Chicken straight from the restaurant’s one-of-a-kind, 13-foot tall, fully rotating rotisserie. With 70 high-definition televisions, subscriptions to all major sports cable packages and a Yahoo! Sports ticker that will run through the space highlighting fantasy football stats, Bourbon Pub will be the ultimate viewing party location for any sporting event, on any given day.

Bourbon Steak offers a more private, premium dining environment for the true Michael Mina steakhouse experience. With a focus on seasonal regional cooking, Bourbon Steak will feature tableside service with a heightened guest experience, along with steaks that are sourced from premium producers from around the world. Signature dishes will be served directly from the rotisserie and a state-of-the-art seafood boiling station, and will include items such as Certified Prime Angus steaks, A5 Japanese Wagyu, Dry-Aged Duck for Two, Wild Striped Bass, Black Truffle Mac and Cheese and innovative vegetable sides from famed South Bay farms. Guests dining in Bourbon Steak can also enjoy a flight of spirits from the restaurant’s Bourbon Cart, individually smoked tableside to accentuate the flavor profiles of each.

“Bourbon Steak & Pub at Levi’s Stadium has been the ultimate passion project for me,” said Mina. “I’ve had the rare opportunity to pair two of the things I love most – food and the football – to create two dining experiences that will create the perfect atmosphere for fans of sports and fans of great food.”

Echoing the high level of innovation found in every corner of Levi’s®Stadium, Bourbon Steak & Pub features a state-of-the-art open kitchen, delivering a culinary theatre with a wood-burning grill, a seafood action station with a floating suspension frame that elevates the burners, and a show-stopping, one-of-a-kind, 13-foot tall, fully rotating rotisserie that’s equipped to hold up to 1,000 pounds of meat.

“We believe Levi’s Stadium to be the gold standard in next-generation stadium experiences,” said Paraag Marathe, San Francisco 49ers President. “Bourbon Steak & Pub will enable us to present that vision to Bay Area residents and visitors 365 days a year.”

Located on the ground floor of Levi’s® Stadium at 4900 Marie P. DeBartolo Way in Santa Clara, Bourbon Steak & Pub welcomes Bay Area diners seven days a week, year-round, with Bourbon Pub open for lunch and dinner, and Bourbon Steak open for dinner only. Additionally, before the start of each home game, Michael Mina’s Tailgate will kickoff in the tailgate area of the restaurant, a member-only experience for 49ers season ticket holders, inspired by Chef Michael Mina’s elaborate, themed tailgate parties he has thrown with 49ers fans for more than two decades.

Additionally, Chef Michael Mina is pleased to announce the appointment of John Cahill, recently the Chef de Cuisine of Café des Amis in San Francisco, as Executive Chef of Bourbon Steak & Pub. Cahill has a multi-faceted role at Bourbon Steak & Pub, overseeing the whimsical pub-style lunch and dinner menus for Bourbon Pub, and the signature high-end steakhouse menu for Bourbon Steak. “We’re building something that could revolutionize the stadium experience,” explains Cahill of his new role.

For additional details on Bourbon Steak & Pub’s menu and Michael Mina’s Tailgate, visit, ‘Like’ BourbonSteakPub on Facebook, and follow @BourbonSteakPub on Twitter and Instagram.


Mina Group Inc. is a San Francisco-based restaurant management company specializing in creating and operating upscale, innovative restaurant concepts.  Mina Group is led by Chef/Owner Michael Mina whose accolades include James Beard Foundation “Who’s Who of Food and Beverage” inductee in 2013, Bon Appétit Chef of the Year, Food Arts Silver Spoon Award Winner, San Francisco Magazine Chef of the Year, and International Food and Beverage Forum’s Restaurateur of the Year.  Operating since 2002, Mina Group currently manages 22 restaurant properties including MICHAEL MINA in San Francisco (Esquire Magazine’s Restaurant of the Year 2011); BOURBON STEAK and CLOCK BAR at The Westin St. Francis on Union Square in San Francisco; RN74 at Millennium Tower in San Francisco and RN74 at the Joshua Green Building in Seattle; PABU and THE RAMEN BAR at 101 California in San Francisco; BOURBON STEAK & PUB at Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara; STRIPSTEAK at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas; MICHAEL MINA Bellagio at Bellagio in Las Vegas; MICHAEL MINA 74 at Fontainebleau Miami Beach; LOCALE MARKET and FARMTABLE KITCHEN at Sundial St. Petersburg in Florida; and THE HANDLE BAR in Jackson Hole.  For a complete list of restaurants please visit

Levi’s® Stadium will be the new home to the San Francisco 49ers, and will also serve as one of the world’s best outdoor sports and entertainment venues. It was designed by HNTB and is being built by Turner/Devcon for the Santa Clara Stadium Authority. The $1.2 billion venue will have 1.85 million square feet, seat approximately 68,500 and feature 170 luxury suites and 9,000 club seats. It was designed to be a multi-purpose facility with the flexibility to host a wide range of events, including domestic and international soccer, college football, motocross, concerts and various civic events, and will be expandable for major events such as the Super Bowl. Levi's® Stadium is owned by the Santa Clara Stadium Authority, a public joint powers authority that was established to provide for development and operation of Levi's® Stadium to ensure that the stadium serves the goals of the City of Santa Clara. For more information, go to

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Joint Venture Index of Silicon Valley 2014

The 2014 Silicon Valley Index brings with it some interesting statistics related to our region. Here are a few quick stats from this year's report:
  • Silicon Valley has added 46,665 new jobs (22,842 jobs were added in San Francisco). 
  • The region's total population grew by 1.31% (13,766 people) versus 0.88% average growth statewide.
  • Silicon Valley has 46.5% of all IPOs, 46.9% of Patents, and 47.6% of Venture Capital, and 54.6% of Angel Investment in California.
  • Consumption of electricity has declined for five years in a row (189 megawatts of solar capacity helps quite a bit here).
  • 45% of households are making over $100,000 a year.
  • 75% of commuters are solo drivers, not a dramatic difference from 78% in 2003.
  • Caltrain ridership has increased 26.4% from 2010 to 2013.
  • For the first time since 2008, Silicon Valley government achieved greater revenues than expenses.
Click here to read the entire report. You can also watch a video briefing below.

Friday, January 24, 2014

San Jose: The Smartest City In America (as seen on The TODAY Show)

In case you missed it - San Jose was featured on The TODAY Show this morning. In their "Healthy, Wealthy, Wise" segment, they showed a video about the innovative and awesome place we call home - San Jose.

Check out the video:

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Monday, May 13, 2013

Silicon Valley Flagship Office Designs

For many decades Silicon Valley has had to put up with bland, generic office buildings that added zero architectural value to the surrounding areas. It looks like all of that is about to change very soon. At least four  potentially iconic office complexes with eye-catching aesthetics are going to be built in Santa Clara County over the next few years. Samsung is building a pair of 10-story buildings in North San Jose where you are never more than one floor away from an outdoor garden and courtyard. Apple is replacing their Cupertino campus with a single, giant, 2.8M SQFT spaceship-like building for 12,000+ employees. Nvidia is honoring the pixel by building two massive triangle-shaped buildings with open floors measuring 250,000 SQFT in Santa Clara. Lastly, Google is building a new ultra-green Bayshore campus in Mountain View with rooftop gardens.

I think this trend will continue as leading valley tech companies try to one-up each other. We will just have to wait and see which building turns out the best from this initial battle of flagship offices. One thing is for certain... the days of mediocre office building being acceptable in Silicon Valley are numbered.

Samsung (San Jose)

Apple (Cupertino)

Nvidia (Santa Clara)

Google (Mountain View)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Joint Venture Index of Silicon Valley 2013

The 2013 Silicon Valley Index has arrived and always brings with it some interesting statistics related to our region. Here are a few of my favorite bits from the report:
  • Silicon valley is adding jobs faster than it has in more than a decade and in a faster rate than the rest of California and the Nation. In the last year, Silicon Valley has gained 42,360 jobs.
  • Regional unemployment is down to 7%, and has also declined across all ethnicity groups.
  • In 2011, 64% of Silicon Valley professionals with higher education working in science/engineering fields were born outside the US (the national average is 26%).
  • Transit ridership increased by 1.3% in 2012.
  • Average housing rents hit a historic high of $1,966.
  • Foreclosures declined 41% between the first half of 2011 and the first half of 2012.
  • Silicon Valley reached a five-year high of 17 IPOs in 2012, representing 52% of all statewide IPOs and 15% of all national IPOs.
  • 48% of all patents in the state and 12.5% of all patents in the country come from Silicon Valley.
  • The percentage of kids enrolled in preschool hit 46% in Silicon Valley, compared to 37% in California and 40% for the United States as a whole.
  • Since 1998, Silicon Valley's daily per capita waste disposal has fallen by 42% greatly outpacing the nation and state. Per capita energy consumption has also dropped by 2.5%.
  • Overall solar installations have increased 14% in 2012 over 2011.
  • 82% of all new housing units approved in 2012 were within 1/3 mile of a major transit station.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Dishcrawl - Neighborfood

San Jose-based Dishcrawl is taking the hyperlocal foodie scene up another notch this weekend. They are doing their first Neighborfood event, which lets you try out 8 (yes, 8) different restaurants all within walking distance in a single neighborhood. There is no better way to try out a bunch of different restaurants in one night! The icing on the cake is that the proceeds from this event will benefit Arts Council Silicon Valley. For more info and to get your tickets at a discounted price click here!


Event: Neighborfood

Premise: Neighborfood is a one night celebration of food, family, and the community we live in. Neighbors will visit 8 local restaurants to try 8 dishes, with proceeds to benefit Arts Council Silicon Valley.
When: Sunday Feb 24, 2p-5p

Where: Downtown Mountain View

Price: $40

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Joint Venture Index of Silicon Valley 2012

It turns out I never posted stats from the 2012 Joint Venture report evaluating the current status of our region. Here are a few of my favorite bits from the report:
  • 42,000 jobs were added in the past year (2011)
  • Silicon Valley employment increased 3.8% in 2011, versus 1.1% nationwide
  • All major areas of economic activity experienced growth from 2010-2011, except for the "Other Manufacturing" category which includes space and defense manufacturing
  • Patent registrations increased by 30%. Silicon Valley accounts for 49% of statewide patents and 12% of all patents in the country
  • Venture investment in cleantech doubled over the previous year. Silicon Valley has 34% of the total California investment in cleantech
  • 46% of 2011 IPOs were from Silicon Valley
  • Half of the SV population speaks a language other than English at home.
  • Between 2010 and 2011, Silicon Valley population increased by 1% (it was 0.7% for California)
  • High school graduation rates increased by 1% to 88% (versus 81% in California)
  • 43% of all Silicon Valley households now have household income over $100k (compared to 26% in California and 20% in the US)
  • The regions solar capacity increased by 41% from 2010 to 2011 (versus 21% statewide)
  • Transit ridership per capita increased 4.9% in 2011

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Silicon Valley Photography in SPUR & ZERO1 Exhibit

When someone says "Silicon Valley", what images, concepts, or names come to mind? 

Many people immediately start to rattle off the tech giants; Google, Yahoo, Apple... well you know, all of them. Technology! Cell phones! Semiconductors! 

But to some of us - it means your favorite taqueria, downtown festivals, movies in the park, or some of the many people that make up the South Bay. 

In partnership with Hipstamatic and ZERO1, SPUR (San Francisco Planning and Urban Research) put together an exhibit of Bay Area photographer's interpretation of the theme:


I want to share my excitement, that -- I was part of the exhibit! I saw the call for submissions on Facebook awhile back and thought I'd go for it. So I put together some of my favorite photos I've taken here in the San Jose area. In the shots below, you might spy the Silicon Valley Roller Girls, the Alviso Marina, a scene from SubZero, and the Valet building next to the San Jose Stage Company. I really wanted to represent as much as I could of the San Jose area.

Me with my photos!
Posing with my photos. First time on exhibit!

My work is nothing compared to the other photographers featured at the event. It was an honor to be included with them. 

The exhibition photographers (and the theme of their work) are:

  • Michele Guieu - a "geek tour" of Silicon Valley, from the Hewlett Packard garage to the Google Campus to the Apple Store
  • Daniel Garcia - "Behind Everything is a Person", the talented people of San Jose that are changing the culture of Silicon Valley in less traditional ways
  • Thomas Rogers - glimpses and snippets of Menlo Park, a focus on things that people wouldn't normally see in passing
  • Barbara Boissevain - My Backyard to highlight environmental issues, with aerial shots of ponds along the bay's edge and mining in the South Bay
  • Michelle Oblena - "Valley of Stomach's Delight", shots of the diversity of restaurant owners in the Santa Clara Valley
  • Alex Chan - shots of Japantown performers, local painters and Color Me Rad in San Jose
  • Halie Kampman - video footage of the subtle connections between the areas of San Jose, Los Gatos, Sunnyvale and Palo Alto

Here are some photos from the opening night:

Daniel Garcia from Content Magazine and his portraits
Daniel Garcia of CONTENT Magazine
UntitledDisplay in the front window

The exhibit is currently running up in San Francisco at the SPUR Gallery until October 20th. There has been some talk that a photo from each of the photographers will be featured in the windows of the retail establishments under the SPUR San Jose office (on Santa Clara Street) but I haven't gotten confirmation just yet. (I also haven't been downtown in the last week to check it out first hand.)

So you have a couple of weeks to jump on BART and head up to the SPUR gallery and check out the exhibition! 

A Peek Behind Silicon Valley's Digital Veil

September 19 - October 19
SPUR Urban Center Gallery
654 Mission Street,
San Francisco, CA 94105-4015

Friday, June 29, 2012

Silicon Valley Reality Show

Finally, a reality show I might actually watch. Mark Zuckerberg's sister, Randi, is one of the co-producers of  this new show about to hit Bravo. The premise is simple. "Silicon Valley" will chronicle the lives of young local entrepreneurs that aspire to become the next Steve Jobs, Larry Page / Sergey Brin, or Mark Zuckerberg. I am hoping this will be far more interesting than watching bored housewives spend their husbands' money or cooking competitions to see who can make the best catfish ice cream.

It's about time we have a reality show about something that actually matters. Entrepreneurs are the people that have the ability to literally change the world. The only way to permanently increase the standard of living across the globe is through innovation. Anything else is just redistributing money from one party to another. Fortunately for us, we happen to be right in the heart of innovation and finally there is going to be a TV show to share with the world exactly how exciting our entrepreneurial ecosystem can be.

Source: VentureBeat

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Joint Venture Index of Silicon Valley 2010

The latest Joint Venture report evaluating the current status of our region has been unleashed. Thankfully it's not all doom and gloom. Here are a few of my favorite statistics:
  • 30% of ALL Venture Capital invested in the US, is invested in Silicon Valley (Pop: 2,900,000, less than 1% of the US population). 
  • The proportion of VC funds we're receiving in relation to the rest of the country actually increased in 2009 (so we're getting an even larger piece of the funding pie).
  • 12% of ALL US patents originated in Silicon Valley.
  • In 2008 more patents were filed in San Jose than any other city in the US (and by a wide margin).
  • 3% of vehicles registered in Silicon Valley are hybrids or electric (as opposed to 2% in the rest of California)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Welcome to The San Jose Blog!

Born and raised in San Jose, I've had the opportunity to witness this city's amazing transformation from a midsized suburban town into the 10th largest city in the US, the capital of Silicon Valley, and a incubator for innovation and entrepreneurship.  The goal of this blog is to highlight new developments in San Jose as well as to visually show a side of the city that many people haven't seen before.  Major changes are underway, and there hasn't been a better time to be a San Josean.  Cheers to the future!