San José, CA – April 11, 2013 --- Earth Day has been observed since 1970, and nowadays it always falls on April 22. Arbor Day is April 26. The most common way to celebrate is to plant a tree, or just go outside. This year in a harmonic convergence of nature and to honor both Earth Day and Arbor Day, History San José is hosting a Kelley Park Litter Cleanup, as well as its exhibit, Shaped by Water: Past, Present and Future.
History San José will celebrate Earth Day and Arbor Day on Saturday, April 20 by inviting the public to a cleanup of Kelley Park. Partnering with Bright Green San Jose, the public is invited to participate beginning at 9 AM.
"The significance of honoring our planet with both trees, nature and water makes History Park a natural venue for a celebration,” said Alida Bray, President and CEO of History San José. "With Earth Day and Arbor Day, it is a wonderful integration with the award-winning exhibit Shaped by Water: Past Present & Future."
In keeping with the theme, there will be family activities and crafts for children, including making flower pots, planting ‘birdhouse’ gourd seeds and demonstrations by Our City Forest.
A family favorite, Archaeology Dig will be hosted by Stanford Archaeology Department Students.
There will be a concert by Linda Tringali at 2 PM on The Plaza. History Park will also have trolley rides available and historic homes available for a visit.
Inside the Gallery of the Pacific Hotel is Shaped by Water: Past, Present and Future, an exhibit depicting how water has literally shaped the history of Santa Clara Valley, and highlights what challenges our community will face in the future. The exhibition demonstrates through photographs, artistic interpretations, stories and interactive activities for kids of all ages, the unique connection between humans and this precious and finite resource.
Kelley Park Litter Clean Up will begin at from 9 AM to Noon. The clean-up is for children ages 10 and up, as well as adults. Park clean-up registration begins at 9 am at the Phelan Avenue entrance to History Park. There is no charge for the creek clean-up, and everyone is invited.
Refreshments will be available for purchase from Larry’s Hot Dogs, Mona’s Fruit, Treat Ice Cream in O’Brien’s Ice Cream Parlor and Tony’s Popcorn Cart.
Admission is free for HSJ members, or $5 per person, city parking lots are $6. History Park is located at 1650 Senter Road (for GPS puposes, use 635 Phelan Avenue, San Jose, CA).
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Upcoming History San José Family Days will include:
Sunday, May 19: Celebrate Sempervirens 150th Anniversary, visit Andrew Hill and John Muir, and Dig San José: Public Archaeology Day for children at History Park. Admission charged.
Sunday, June 16: Celebrate Father’s Day at History Park as we celebrate Historic Transportation Day with toy trains, hand car and trolley rides, sit in the Wells Fargo Stage Coach and listen to stories about early travel.
Admission charged.
Sunday, July 7: Gold Rush Family Day: this family-friendly event at History Park will highlight gold-panning activities for the children, and will celebrate the cultural diversity that the Gold Rush attracted to California and the Valley. Lion dancers will celebrate the contribution of the Chinese people to the Gold Rush. Admission charged.
Sunday, August 25 is the Fandango at the Peralta Adobe Historic Site
Sunday, October 27 is Haunt History Park, celebrating Halloween
Sunday, November 24 is the 236th Happy Birthday San José! celebration at the Peralta – Fallon Historic Site
Saturday, December 14 is the Children’s Heritage Festival at History Park.
For more information call 408 918-1047 or visit www.historysanjose.org
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About History San José:
History San José is a non-profit organization that collects, preserves and celebrates the stories of diversity and innovation in San José and the Santa Clara Valley. HSJ manages one of the largest and most comprehensive regional history collections in the State of California, from 1784 Spanish governmental records to twenty-first century Silicon Valley technology.
History San José 1650 Senter Road San José, CA 95112 408.287.2290
Website: historysanjose.org
Blog: historysanjose.org/blog
Facebook: /historysanjose
Twitter: @historysanjose