While Christmas in the Park is moving to History San Jose this year, there will still be plenty of holiday cheer in Downtown San Jose. The Light the Holiday Nights installation in Plaza de Cesar Chavez features LED wrapped trees, archways, and a contemporary Christmas Tree on the stage. 50 West San Fernando, Miro, and City Hall will also be lit up for the holidays along with a special window at The Tech Interactive. Light projections will be cast on the former Camera 12 building and the Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph. Lastly "The Story of Holiday Arts" will be on display at 125 S. Market featuring costumes from San Jose productions of The Nutcracker, A Christmas Carol, and Hansel and Gretel.
The event will run from dusk to dawn starting on Thanksgiving and running until January 3rd. For more info, have a look at the press release below.

Lights in Plaza de Cesar Chavez will brighten downtown and holiday spirits
SAN JOSE -- Despite the main traditions and attractions of Downtown for the Holidays derailed by Covid-19, the festive lights of the season will shine bright in the city center.
“Just like Dr. Seuss' Whos of Whoville, no Grinch or pandemic can take away our holiday cheer," said Autumn Young, director of special projects for San Jose Downtown Association.
With Downtown Ice, Christmas in the Park and Winter Wonderland shutdown or moved by the Covid pandemic, the heart of the city faced not being wrapped in its usual holiday best.
"No way were we going to leave the center of the city dark this season when we need to be uplifted more than ever," said Scott Knies, SJDA Executive Director.
The main feature to Downtown Lights will be the Light the Holiday Nights installation at Plaza de Cesar Chavez. From dusk to dawn Thanksgiving through Jan. 3, Light the Holiday Nights will light the stage and the trees ringing Plaza de Cesar Chavez.
“We had to brighten up the center of the city,” Knies said.
Multiple sponsors agree. Light the Holiday Nights will be produced by SJDA in coordination with the City of San Jose and Downtown Property-Based Improvement District, and supported by presenting sponsor First Tech Federal Credit Union and downtown property owners Jay Paul Company, Google, Sobrato, Swenson and Urban Catalyst.
Together, the partners have created an illuminated wonderland, with lights in the park’s existing trees, more lighted trees brought in for the occasion and sparkling arches, ideal for a drive-around or a stroll through. A 26-foot-tall stylized holiday tree perched atop the stage on the north end of the park will be a primary feature.
"This is an interim installation to get us through this unusual holiday season and keep the spirits up until Christmas in the Park can return next year," Young said.
The project is designed as a “passive and festive” strolling experience. Visitors can add to the excitement by adding lights to their person, pets and kids, but they also must wear their masks and make sure they are properly socially distanced of six feet or more from other parties. Large families should break up into smaller groups to avoid blocking pathways and to keep the experience safe for everyone.
“Light the Downtown Nights will bring much-needed cheer to our downtown essential workers, residents and visitors,” said Doug Bartl, president of the PBID Board of Directors.
The Plaza Park installation is part of a larger Downtown Lights experience planned for the holidays, which includes these highlights:
· Lighting of trees and buildings at 50 West San Fernando, Miro and City Hall
· Activated window at The Tech Interactive
· “Video mapping” lighted projections on the former Camera 12 building on Paseo de San Antonio and Second Street, and the Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph at San Fernando and Market streets.
· “The Story of Holiday Arts” featuring costumes from San Jose productions of The Nutcracker, A Christmas Carol and Hansel and Gretel plus chairs and stands to represent the missing musicians and audiences for the symphony and holiday musicals in the windows at 125 S. Market St.
“The Story of Holiday Arts display unfolds by telling the tale of what holiday arts of the past looked like here in the city,” said Young. “Effort will be placed on keeping the narration uplifting while inspiring guests to give a moment of their time to appreciate the beautiful costume designs on display, to visit the websites of the organizations featured and if possible, to contribute in support of the arts.”
WHAT: Light the Holiday Nights installation is ongoing this week. Lights come on for public at dusk on Thursday, Nov. 26
WHEN: Dusk to dawn, Nov. 26-Jan. 3
WHERE: Plaza de Cesar Chavez
WHO: San Jose Downtown Association, Downtown San Jose Property Owners, developers and Presenting Sponsor First Tech Credit Union
WHY: Interim activity meant to keep holiday spirits bright during the holidays. Covid forced cancellation of the holiday ice rink, and Christmas in the Park created a drive-through experience outside of downtown.