The latest addition of Downtown Dimension highlights new Downtown development projects (including a 3.4 million SQFT three-tower project at CityView Plaza). Little Italy is finally getting their museum and cultural center, and as an added bonus there will be a speakeasy in the basement. Check out the full newsletter using the link below:
In this edition:
Also for your information:
The MAY 2019 Downtown Dimension is now available at:
In this edition:
- What can the City and development community do to get more cranes in the sky? Cranes, of course, symbolize construction of taller office and residential buildings. Downtown San Jose has plenty of high-rise proposals, but getting them started at ground level is another matter. Dimension presents the more popular ideas.
- A decade into its renewal, Little Italy continues to grow and prosper. Here's what's ahead in the near future for Little Italy.
- Downtown properties continue to change ownership.
- Businesses continue to grow, looking for more space for additional employees.
- SJDA's 100 days of events starts May 3 with the Farmers' Market. In June, the Delfonics bring their smash hits of the '70s to Music in the Park.
Also for your information:
- Live and Local SJ supports live music in the center city.
- Traffic alerts keep up with lane and road closures and openings.
- Maps of downtown commercial property availability and development proposals.
- Boom City: SJDA's summary of new downtown building proposals and west side acquisitions, continues to be updated almost monthly...

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