The latest addition of Downtown Dimension features one of the most significant decisions in Downtown history--increased building heights. This clears the path to 300+ ft tall buildings Downtown and greater incentives for developers to invest in San Jose. In addition to the highlights below, Downtown has it's first true Persian restaurant at 205 N. Fourth St. and two new craft coffee bars. More details below:
The APRIL 2019 Downtown Dimension is now available at: 2016/wp-content/uploads/2019/ 03/DTDAPRIL2019.pdf In this edition:
Also for your information:
Downtown Dimension is a leading source for information about downtown San Jose news, events and businesses. Subscribe with a simple email to, subject line: Subscribe.
The APRIL 2019 Downtown Dimension is now available at:
- Downtowners celebrate a City Council decision that allows downtown buildings to go higher than before, an SJDA advocacy initiative that took 12 years to complete and a city initiative that should provide economic boost to downtown and the airport.
- The Successor Agency has almost completely dismantled the former San Jose Redevelopment Agency, now down to just a few remaining assets.
- Google continues to buy on the west side -- now up to 54 acres.
- Owners of larger downtown buildings must begin complying with a new ordinance meant to reduce energy and water use.
- Among the new businesses and offices opening in San Jose, say hello to AARP and Stone Stew Persian restaurant.
- Have you subscribed to the new-look Downtowner Online yet? The Downtowner helps San Joseans make plans for the week and weekend ahead. Subscribe by sending a note to
Also for your information:
- Live and Local SJ supports live music in the center city.
- Traffic alerts keep up with lane and road closures and openings.
- Maps of downtown commercial property availability and development proposals.
- Boom City: SJDA's summary of new downtown building proposals and west side acquisitions.
Downtown Dimension is a leading source for information about downtown San Jose news, events and businesses. Subscribe with a simple email to, subject line: Subscribe.

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