It looks like it will be one massive building covered entirely with outdoor green space. The Century 21 building would somehow be incorporated into the project, but how is not yet clear. "Santana West" is build-to-suit, meaning they are not planning to move forward without a committed tenant.
If all goes well, we will have another flagship office building in 2019 or 2020.
Source: SVBJ

This is an amazing rendering and something really impressive...even world class. However, the Winchester Ranch Mobile Home Park (16 acres) directly connected to this site to the south (the Park is between 280 and Santana West) is not even being looked at as part of a larger conversation. Why?
ReplyDeleteWe have two property owners that control 28 acres (Park is 16, Santana West is 13) in one of the most highly sought after areas in the Valley. They are BOTH part of the Santana Row/Valley Fair Urban Village plan. So why is the Mobile Home park discussion looking at low-rise housing? How does that further the vision of the area? I would suggest it does not. Add in the idea of capping the part of 280 (creating a mixed use platform) next to the Park and Santana Row, an idea Councilmember Jones supports, and the 40 year time horizon can get even more interesting.
We all know of the incredible frustration and frankly disgraceful treatment of the "sale" and "closing" process of the Winchester Ranch Mobile Home Park. Many of the residents have been living in fear of being kicked-out or not being able to sell their home. But when the effort to "save the park" and keep things as-is was collectively dismissed and the sale of the park was accepted by the park owner and residents, the only option left is selling the park. With the park now for sale, my question is:
Why are we not looking at how 16 acres in the SR/VF Urban Village can contribute to the future vision of the area, not just today and for current residents, but over the next 20-40 years?
The decisions made today are not just about the current senior residents, but of the area for decades to come. I believe we can all agree we want to make sure the current senior residents are treated with respect, dignity, and equity. However, not having a transparent and public discussion about how this land could impact the future of the region, to me, is inexcusable and shameful. We spent over two years talking about the TriVillage Urban Villages. And not once did the Mobile Home park (that is part of the Village) get talked about. Why not?
We are all adults. We can have conversations about things that are uncomfortable and difficult. But we are not doing that. Now, you have a beautiful and impressive view of what Federal Reality wants to do on this site. But is it mixed use? No...and why not? The Urban Village designation allow for higher density mixed use applications.
We are all nervous and fearful about the change happening...the congestion and mobility challenges. But watering down high-impact projects is not the way to move us forward. We need to come together as community (residents - local and regional, developers, government) to vision our future. We need to stop building in silos and solely by project. I believe we need to look at our current conditions and how we are accommodating(not accommodating) the needs of today or the future.
If we need to have a conversations of what some of the future assumptions are (specifically, will there be more or less people here), then let's do that. If we agree there will be more people, then let's talk about the solutions we are looking at (or objecting to). The current process is failing us all. And ironically, the very things people believe they are trying to protect (i.e., their Quality of Life) is slowing eroding and collapsing. Lower wage workers are leaving and businesses like mine are suffering. Without the "little coffee shops" or "mom and pop" shops, what do people want in the community? Those very things are disappearing.
On a side note: I like the nod of that balcony to create a crossing over Winchester....think Highline.