
Monday, April 11, 2016

SPUR: A Boom, and a Turning Point, for Downtown San Jose

There is a great article describing what is happening in Downtown San Jose over at SPUR. After many years (decades actually) of hoping that Downtown would turn the corner, it is actually happening. 

The housing market is exploding with 1,900 units under construction and 5,000 more either approved or proposed. Commercial projects are finally being proposed again with over 2,000,000 SQFT of new office space in the pipe. You can see below how much has changed in just two years. With BART and High Speed Rail coming in the next decade, the momentum will continue to build.

There is certainly much to be excited about in the years ahead if you are a Downtown resident, business owner, or supporter. To read the SPUR article, head over here.

1 comment:

  1. Downtown has actually turned the corner several times-in the mid 90's and during the Dotcom days in 2000. It did it again in 2005. After those good times, it came back down to earth. It's the cycle and definitely will go down again, too.
