Thursday, April 16, 2015

Santana Row Proposes More Growth Than Expected

The original plan for Santana Row is nearly complete. However, before Federal Realty (Santana Row's owners) move their focus across the street, they are asking for a few items not in the original scope of the project. Here are the main asks:

  • 510,000 SQFT of new office space [Josh: I'm sure the city will do everything possible to make this happen]
  • 55,651 SQFT of new retail
  • A five-level parking structure
  • A new Santana Row entrance on Tisch Way.
  • Permanent closure of Santana Row Road to traffic from Olin Avenue to Olsen Drive, creating a new pedestrian zone [Josh: this area is already shut down on weekends]
  • Additional Screen for the CineArts movie theater
  • Six new rooms at Hotel Valencia

It doesn't seem like any of these items are unreasonable and the main concerns will be around traffic. We'll see if the new Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line can help alleviate some of those issues along with the possibility of building some spectacular pedestrian bridges between Santana Row and Valley Fair (see conceptual drawings below).

Sources: The Merc, San Jose Development Forum


  1. As mentioned, the biggest issue will be traffic and parking in the area.

    As an aside, does anyone know if there is any potential development in the Burbank neighborhood between 880/South Bascom on Stevens Creek? With the new 880/280 ramps and the proximity to food, entertainment, and potentially offices this area seems prime for development opportunities? High density condos? rentals? seems like this area could be prime for redevelopment.

  2. A pedestrian bridge is a great idea...but not at the winchester intersection like in the photo. It would need to be at the santana row intersection.

    Also, what would help traffic some is if they hired traffic cops to stop cars on San Carlos from gridlocking the street at all the stoplight intersection into the mall.

  3. Love this idea....just add even more green, walls of green around the terrace. Green + water fountain=plenty of people, environmental & making the best of CA weather (which rarely happens w/contemporary SJ architecture).
