
Monday, June 9, 2014

Verizon Leasing 130,000 SQFT in North San Jose!

I've seen this terminology being tossed around the media for a while, but I think I'm officially going to start calling North First Street "Renovation Row." Verizon has has leased over 130,000 SQFT in a three-building reno project called THE Campus. This is enough room for about 750 employees, a sizable expansion from the 300-400 staff Verizon has today in Silicon Valley.

Their goal is to harness Silicon Valley's engineering talent in a building that supports modern amenities that tech workers have come to expect (the Googlization of the tech industry). Check out the outdoor fire pit and lounge space below.

The total property consists of about 250,000 SQFT, so there is still some more space to lease at "THE Campus." The way things are going, I have a feeling it will be 100% leased by the end of the year.

Source: The Merc, SVBJ


  1. The property boarders the Guadalupe river trail, but traditionally it has been mostly all fenced off with no access for bike commuters to get to their work places between GRT, Orchard, and North 1st. It would be nice if the redevelopment provided some access to the river trail.

  2. What's going on along Orchard Pkwy is stunning...even in this hot economy. Great to see it landing some tenants for San Jose.

    I happened to be riding light rail last night on my way to the airport and 2 things caught my eye (1) the Samsung building is MASSIVE and (2) Champion Station (formerly Cisco buildings) looks really nice i.e. nothing like Cisco buildings :)
