Haha thanks for posting the info I provided Josh. You might enjoy this. Saw this sign in front of Valley Fair. They are not wasting any time in getting rid of any obstacles of their future expansion. Here is the development proposal sign for demolition of the parking garages: https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/1000569_4750827583711_1446044234_n.jpg
Haha thanks for posting the info I provided Josh. You might enjoy this. Saw this sign in front of Valley Fair. They are not wasting any time in getting rid of any obstacles of their future expansion. Here is the development proposal sign for demolition of the parking garages: https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/1000569_4750827583711_1446044234_n.jpg
ReplyDeleteThat's good news! First I've heard about solar panels as well. They would be crazy not to expand now with the way the economy is going.
DeleteNot at Valley Fair, but Fatburger is opening this fall at the corner of King/Mabury.
ReplyDeleteOld Port Lobster Shack! Sweet! Won't have to drive all the way to Redwood City now!
ReplyDeleteThey're making a Chipotle at Oakridge to replace the Rubio's