The San Jose store will carry all sorts of camping, hunting, fishing, boating, and general outdoor gear. If none of that sounds appealing to you, I'm sure just walking around will be entertaining in and of itself. In fact, this store will come complete with a 12-lane "underwater" bowling alley and a seafood restaurant.
Bass Pro Shops will be located in Almaden Ranch at the corner of Almaden Expressway and Highway 85 and construction should be complete in 2015. Over 250-300 permanent jobs will be created when the store opens, not including seasonal employees.
Source: The Merc, SVBJ
I pass one of these on the way to Modesto to visit family all the time. Never been in one, but have heard they're pretty crazy. It'll bring jobs and be a good resource for all the outdoorsy types. I think the underwater bowling alley sounds like something fun to see.
ReplyDeleteThey're amazing. This is amazing. As a transplanted Southerner, this is wonderful news.
ReplyDeleteIs San Jose giving Bass a subsidy to come to town?
ReplyDeleteNope, San Jose is not giving Bass a subsidy to open this store. It is entirely a market-rate deal.