Saturday, June 1, 2013

Saturday Stats: San Jose is the #10 Market Nationwide for Job Growth

Employment in San Jose is up 1.3% since the recession (versus 0.4% for SF), the unemployment rate has fallen 1.1% over the last year, and it has ranked among the top cities in job creation with a Gallup Job Creation Index score of 23. These stats have led to San Jose being ranked as the #10 market for job growth in the US. Why not #1 you ask? The total unemployment is still somehow 8.2%. It is falling fast, but is still higher than most of the other cities on the list. Here is the top 10:

1.) Orlando
2.) Houston
3.) Denver
4.) San Antonio
5.) Louisville
6.) San Francisco
7.) Austin
8.) Columbus
9.) Seattle
10.) San Jose

Source: SVBJ, CreditDonkey

San Jose, California


  1. According to Forbes report May 6, 2013, SJ is #7, SF is #1.

    1. Interesting how someone always seems to post ststatistics different from svbj. Different methodologies between studies i guess.

    2. I like the Forbes data more =)
