Extreme Networks is moving their corporate headquarters from Santa Clara to a 57,586 SQFT buildig in North San Jose (145 Rio Robles). The company is a leader in Ethernet technologies and sells a variety of switches and wireless solutions. They have manufactured over 30 million Ethernet ports.
As a side benefit, their move will clear the way for Irvine Company to develop up to 800 housing units and 50,000 SQFT of retail/commercial space at the site of the former Santa Clara headquarters.
What's going on with you, Josh? You're not all that excited about 1 South Market finally underway? I thought you were so excited and wanted to celebrate when they break ground. Well, they just did it to no emotion from you.
ReplyDeleteI'm ecstatic, but I'm also working at my day-job 80 hours per week. 90% of my posts are scheduled on Sundays, so I simply have not had the time to post yet. However, it will be included in part of tomorrow's post.
Delete^Sorta creepy...