There will be family activities, including panning for gold, cowboy grub (food available for purchase) and good old-fashioned music. Other activities will include the hand car, trolley rides, pony express relay and the Wells Fargo Stage Coach will be available for photo opportunies.
The second of the series of Family Days will be on Sunday, August 12, Happy Birthday Car 124!, a celebration of Trolley #124’s 100th birthday party. This signature red trolley will be running on its track, there will be a horse car, and hand-car rides will be available. The newly-acquired caboose will also be featured. Vintage vehicles on display will include fire engines, an electric car, and Model T’s.
There will be choo choo crafts for the kids, live music featuring the Peninsula Banjo Band. And what a birthday party! Even the San Jose Giants will celebrate. Party-goers can stay, picnic and watch the fireworks after the baseball game. Food typical of the Gay Nineties will be available for purchase.
The following week, Sunday, August 19, is the annual Fandango at Peralta Adobe, in the heart of the new San Pedro Square Market.
This date is signifant in that it commemorates the death 161 years ago of Maria Luis Peralta. He was the Californio who lived in the Peralta Adobe with his family, and was one of the first Accolades (mayor) of Pueblo de San Jose de Guadalupe.
Typical of that era, there will be music and dancing, as well as a descedant of the original horses that were brought by the Spanish explorers.
On Saturday, October 13 the last in the series of Family Days, is Filipino-American Heritage Day, celebrating Filipino American Month and to honor the current exhibit, Through My Father’s Eyes. That celebration will include filipino foods, dancing and music, and other activities.
The series of Family Days at History Park is supported, in part, by a Cultural Affairs grant from the City of San José.
Upcoming events include:
· Haunt History Park, safe trick-or-treating, on October 28;
· Happy Birthday San Jose! At the Peralta Adobe and Fallon House at the San Pedro Square Market on Sunday, November 18;
· Children’s Holiday Festival with Santa Claus at History Park on Saturday, December 8;
· the Heritage Holiday Tea is on December 1 at the Fallon House.
General admission is $8 per adult, $5 for seniors and students with a valid ID and children under five are free. Admission is free to members of History San Jose.
For more information call 408 918-1047 or visit
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About History San José:
History San José is a non-profit organization that collects, preserves and celebrates the stories of diversity and innovation in San José and the Santa Clara Valley. HSJ manages one of the largest and most comprehensive regional history collections in the State of California, from 1784 Spanish governmental records to twenty-first century Silicon Valley technology.
History San José 1650 Senter Road San José, CA 95112 408.287.2290
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