It's St. Patty’s Day – Be Green with Me and Clean
Don't forget this Saturday, March 17th, is the Great American Litter & Illegal Sign Clean Up at John Mise Park. Come celebrate your St. Patrick’s Day with me and other members of the community. Registration will begin at 8:00 a.m. followed by a brief orientation from City Staff.
We will be picking up litter in and around parks, schools, sidewalks and neighborhoods in District 1 as well as removing illegal signs posted on utility poles, street signs and park strips. We will then meet back up to have a FREE pizza lunch prepared by The Pasta Market and enjoy music from our DJ Rich McCoy.
Please spread the word to all of your friends and family members. This event will be held rain or shine, so don't let a little rain stop you from coming out to help clean up the District 1 community!
You can sign up at the event or by registering at: http:// 2012greatamericanlitterpickup. eventbrite.com. Contact my office at (408) 535-4901 if you have any further questions. See you all out there!
Neither snow, nor rain, nor thunderstorms, nor hail, will prevent the Great American Litter Pick up from happening!
Your Neighbor,
Pete Constant
San Jose City Councilmember, District 1
San Jose City Hall | 200 E. Santa Clara St., 18th Floor | San Jose, CA 95113
408-535-4901 | pete.constant@sanjoseca.gov | www.sjdistrict1.com

San Jose City Councilmember, District 1
San Jose City Hall | 200 E. Santa Clara St., 18th Floor | San Jose, CA 95113
408-535-4901 | pete.constant@sanjoseca.gov | www.sjdistrict1.com
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