Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Shannon Amidon, Andre Hart Solo Exhibitions at KALEID April 6th

Selcouth new work by Shannon Amidon
I’m a collector of the odd and beautiful, the repulsive, rare and mysterious; objects that occupy the space between familiar and bizarre. Inspired by the seventeenth century age of exploration and cabinets of curiosity, this series comes from place of discovery and wonder where insects, specimens and other objects come together and tell a story.

By interlacing art, science, and culture I explore the connection between man-made and natural objects; evoking a strong sense of nostalgia for the classic age of exploration and discovery.

Of War and Peace, The Truth Just Twists, It's Curfew Gull Just Glides a collection of paintings by André Hart
In the middle of lies and truth, the work embodies a painful awareness of maybe a social and personal outlook. The paintings–or more of a collection of stories–people know or should know around a plain and sometimes encrypted picture of the state of the world. Though I couldn't totally say what these stories are fully about in a more specific term, I like to keep things general but still obvious. I cannot self analyze my work to the fullest degree, but I could give some insight to it. In all, as an artist I could never single myself to one form of work or commit to a label, but I can assure the work is always with the intentions to bring much thought and insight.

Artists' Reception: Friday, April 6th, 7–11pm

featuring ambient and down tempo music provided by Mark Camp
(part of the South FIRST FRIDAYS art walk)

Exhibition Dates: April 6–27, 2012

88 South Fourth Street (@ San Fernando)
San Jose, CA
Gallery Hours: Tuesday - Saturday, noon -7pm, free admission

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